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Postdoctoral position in philosophy of time, Milan (Italy), Deadline: 10 May 2016

The first of two calls for PostDocs at the Center for Philosophy of Time 
in Milan is out!

We are looking for a researcher who has a research specialism in temporal 
issues with respect to at least one of the following areas: metaphysics, 
philosophy of mind, philosophy of language and philosophy of science. We 
will be looking for an analogous profile in the second call. Ideally we 
aim at making one hire with an area of research specialism in the 
metaphysics of time, and one hire with an area of research specialism in 
temporal aspects within philosophy of mind. PhD is strongly preferred.

The call is out till 10 May 2016. Please send all documents to 
unimi@postecert.it and borse_assegni@unimi.it. Interviews (via Skype) for 
those shortlisted will be 16 May, starting from 14:00. The position will 
start on 1 June (and not 1 May, as originally planned). Duration of the 
grant is 14 months. Neat salary slightly over 1.850 ? per month. The 
second call will be out in the next weeks, and the position will start in 
September or October.

If you are interested in any of the two positions, please apply to both 
(even if you cannot start on 1 June), so that we can better plan the 
hiring. Specify at the beginning of your research project whether you can 
start on 1 June and what would be your preferred starting date(s).

You can find the complete text of the call at 
http://www.unimi.it/ricerca/assegni_ricerca/99818.htm, and further details 
about the job at http://www.centreforphilosophyoftime.it/news/

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