Logic List Mailing Archive

Inferences and Proofs

31 May - 1 Jun 2016
Marseille, France

Important communication for those who want to attend the Workshop 
"Inferences and proofs", scheduled for May 31 - June 1 in Marseille, site 
St. Charles, FRUMAM.

For security reasons, the Aix-Marseille University will not allow one to 
enter if one is not registered. So, please, would you mind providing us 
with your first and second name by writing at antpiccdarag@gmail.com.

Once there, you can call the number +33668927409 for any help. The 
University of Aix-Marseille, its laboratories CEPERC (Centre 
d'épistémologie et d'ergologie comparatives) and FRUMAM (Fédération de 
recherche des Unités de Mathématiques de Marseille), in collaboration with 
the A*MIDEX Foundation, are glad to announce the Workshop

*May 31 - June 1 2016*
at the *FRUMAM*
3 place Victor Hugo - case 39
13331 - Marseille Cedex 03


Since its birth, logic has been concerned with the study of correct 
reasonings or, more specifically, of proofs. A proof should have the 
epistemic power to provide us with justification for the judgement or 
assertion which it ends with. This power is, from a different point of 
view, the power to compel one to accept the conclusion of the proof. Which 
forms of reasoning can be said to have such power? And above all, how can 
they exert an epistemic compulsion?

According to Descartes, a correct reasoning is nothing but a chain of 
valid inferences. The epistemic power of proofs should therefore depend on 
the epistemic power of valid inferences. The problem then becomes: what is 
an inference? And why valid inferences have an epistemic force? These 
question, far from being psychological in nature, involve epistemology, 
logic and mathematics.


Prof. Milo? Adzic, University of Belgrade
Prof. Cesare Cozzo, Sapienza University of Rome
Prof. Gabriella Crocco, University of Aix-Marseille
Prof. Kosta Do?en, University of Belgrade
Prof. Per Martin-Löf, Stockholm University
Prof. Dag Prawitz, Stockholm University
Prof. Peter Schröder-Heister, Tübingen University
Prof. Göran Sundholm, University of Leiden
Prof. Luca Tranchini, Tübingen University
Prof. Gabriele Usberti, University of Siena

The Workshop is organized by prof. Gabriella Crocco and dr. Antonio 
Piccolomini d'Aragona. It is funded by the CEPERC and by the A*MIDEX 
Foundation. It is hosted by the FRUMAM.

Further informations (program, talks titles and abstracts and so on) will
be later communicated in a second mail. For any question, please write at

Site of the event here

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provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam