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Symposium on History and Philosophy of Computing

23-29 Jul 2017
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

HaPoC symposium@ICHST, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

We are happy to announce that the Commission for the History and 
Philosophy of Computing will submit a proposal for the organization of the 
DHST/DLMPS HaPoC symposium titled ?The Ubiquity of Computing: historical 
and philosophical issues?. We cordially invite all colleagues to submit a 
proposal to this symposium. Please find below a detailed call for 
contributions to this symposium.

Call for contributions to the HaPoC symposium proposal The history of 
information and communication technologies (ICTs), despite its 
approximately 70 years, has already shown a rich accumulated experience 
coming from the most diversified initiatives, efforts and pioneering 

Fully incorporated into reality, to the point of being considered 
ubiquitous, ICTs can be considered mature enough to bring about a balance 
that seeks to account for its past and its origins. A more extensive study 
of their history surely contributes to establish a valuable research field 
and to consolidate an international community of historians and 
philosophers of ICTs, discussing and framing propositions that can help to 
inspire and produce future developments.

The DHST/DLMPST Commission for the History and Philosophy of Computing is 
an Inter-divisionary Commission of the Division for the History of Science 
and Technology and the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of 
Science and Technology. As a DHST/DLMPST commission, HaPoC will organize a 
Symposium at the 25th International Congress of History of Science, and 
Technology (ICHST), which will be held in the city of Rio de Janeiro, 
Brazil, from 23 to 29 July 2017, with the general theme ?Science, 
Technology and Medicine between the Global and the Local?.

The present Call for Contributions is an opportunity to evaluate papers 
related to the theme ?The Ubiquity of Computing: historical and 
philosophical issues? to include them into the Proposal to be submitted to 
the ICHST.

Contributions from the most diverse areas of knowledge and professional 
practices are welcome, since the HaPoC Symposium is an interdisciplinary 
event, dedicated not only to the history of computation artifacts and 
informational processes, but also to the relationship between computer 
science and politics, economy, labour, university, education, social 
change, business, environment, public policies, science and technology, 
culture, arts and the humanities. List of topics of interest (not 

? The beginnings of computer science and technology.
? The links from the beginnings of computer science with mathematics and
the beginnings of digital electronics.
? History and philosophy of computing issues.
? Logical foundations of computer science.
? The uses of computer in its early days and its process of integration to
the academic field, the state and the productive sectors.
? The development of professional careers in academic computing.
? The development of research in computer science: its groups, its research
institutions and their production.
? The development of information technologies in public and private
? The regional and international collaboration.
? National policies of informatics. The (lack of) contribution of state
policies in national development.
? The development of communications and its historical, political and
social links.
? Information technologies, culture and arts.
? The establishment of academic networks and their influence.
? The evolution of the Internet and the participation of institutions in
this process.
? The issue of local cultures facing the globalized world of ICTs.
? The biographies of members and pioneers of ICTs projects .
? The existence, preservation and socialization of the heritage constituted
by artifacts, press publications, documents and technologies used in
different moments of the history of computing.

For this symposium, contributions should present different dimensions of
the history and philosophy of computing, with arguments and propositions
based on testimonials, documented sources, references, and discussion of
related bibliography.

Submission details We cordially invite researchers working in a field 
relevant to the main topics of the Symposium to submit a short abstract in 
English of approximately 250-500 words to hapoc2017riodejaneiro@gmail.com 
The deadline is 15 April 2016. Acceptance notifications will be issued in 
early May 2016.

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