Logic List Mailing Archive

Third Workshop of the Buenos Aires Logic Group

20-22 Apr 2016
Buenos Aires, Argentina


Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e História da Ciência (Brazil)
Buenos Aires Logic Group (Argentina)


April 20 to April 22, 2016
Argentinean Society of Philosophical Analysis (SADAF)
Buenos Aires, Argentina

OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://ba-logic.com/workshops/3rd-cle-balogic/


We are glad to announce the Third Workshop CLE - Buenos Aires Logic Group,
following the first and second workshops held, respectively, on August 4
and August 5, 2014 in SADAF (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and between March 31
and April 3, 2015, in CLE-UNICAMP (Campinas, Brazil).



[ Abstracts available at
http://ba-logic.com/workshops/3rd-cle-balogic/program/ ]

### Wednesday/Miércoles/Quarta-Feira, 20 April/Abril/Abril ###

10:00 ? 11:00 Walter Carnielli (CLE and IFCH?Unicamp): ?Probability,
Consistency and Determinateness: a Bold Betting?

11:00 ? 12:00 Eduardo Barrio (CONICET ? UBA): ?A Recovery Operator for
Non-Transitive Approaches?

12:00 ? 15:00 Lunch

15:00 ? 16:00 Edson Bezerra (CLE): ?Society Semantics for 4-valued
Lukasiewicz Logic?

16:00 ? 17:00 Paula Teijeiro and Bruno Da Re (CONICET ? UBA): ?Sorites,
Curry and omega inconsistency?

17:00 ? 17:30 Coffee Break

17:30 ? 18:30 Abilio Rodrigues (CLE-UNICAMP and DF- UFMG, Belo Horizonte):
?Reinterpreting bivalued semantics for intuitionistic and paraconsistent

18:30 ? 19:30 Eleonora Cresto (CONICET ? UNTREF): ?Ungrounded payoffs. A
tale of unconditional love and unrepentant hate?

### Thursday/Jueves/Quinta-Feira, 21 April/Abril/Abril ###

10:00 ? 11:00 Juliana Bueno-Soler (CLE and FT?Unicamp): ?Portraits of a
logic and their algebraic soul?

11:00 ? 12:00 Diego Tajer (CONICET ? UBA): ?Logic and rational requirements?

12:00 ? 15:00 Lunch

15:00 ? 16:00 Bruno Costa Coscarelli (CLE): ?An Account of Morfism for
Paraconsistent Environments?

16:00 ? 17:00 Damián Szmuc (CONICET ? UBA): ?Aboutness-preserving arguments
and conceptivist LFIs?

17:00 ? 17:30 Coffee Break

17:30 ? 18:30 Marcelo Coniglio (CLE and IFCH?Unicamp): ?Towards an
algebraic theory of non-algebraizable logics: the case of mbC?

### Friday/Viernes/Sexta-Feira, 22 April/Abril/Abril ###

10:00 ? 11:00 Henrique Antunes (CLE): ?On Existence, Inconsistency and

11:00 ? 12:00 Bruno Ramos (CLE): ?A Fraïssé-Hintikka theorem for LFIs?

12:00 ? 15:00 Lunch

15:00 ? 16:00 Carlos Oller (UBA ? UNLP): ?El argumento de Slater contra la
negación paraconsistente a la luz de los modelos no-estándar de Carnap?

16:00 ? 17:00 Ana Cláudia Golzio (CLE): ?Swap structures for some
non-normal modal logics?

17:00 ? 17:30 Coffee Break

17:30 ? 18:30 Rafael Testa (CLE): ?Advances and new perspectives in
Paraconsistent Belief Revision?

18:30 ? 19:30 Lucas Rosenblatt (CONICET ? UBA): ?Contraction,
multiplicative quantifiers and omega paradoxes?


Eduardo Barrio (UBA - CONICET)
Federico Pailos (UBA - CONICET)

Walter Carnielli (CLE and DF- IFCH- UNICAMP)
Marcelo E. Coniglio (CLE and DF- IFCH- UNICAMP)

Organizing Manager:
Damian Szmuc (UBA - CONICET)


Participation is free, but seats are limited.

Please register by email to eabarrio@gmail.com

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provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam