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FPMW8: Philosophy of Mathematics

3-5 Nov 2016
Marseille, France


Eighth French Philosophy of Mathematics Workshop (FPMW 8)

Thursday, November 3, 2016 - Saturday, November 5, 2016

Université d?Aix-Marseille, Site St Charles, 3 place Victor Hugo 13331 
Marseille Cedex 3.


The Eighth French Philosophy of Mathematics Workshop (FPMW 8) is the 
eighth in an annual series of workshops in philosophy of mathematics 
organized by a team of scholars from France and abroad that recently 
joined in a research group funded by the French National Research Center 
(CNRS): GDR3719 Philosophie des Mathématiques. The website of the research 
group can be found at the following address: 

Information about past workshops in the series can be found at the 
following address: http://www.math.univ-toulouse.fr/FPMW/ (tab: 

The forthcoming workshop will be held at the Center for Comparative 
Epistemology and Ergology (CEPERC) at the University of Aix-Marseille. It 
will consist, as the previous workshops, in a three-day meeting, and will 
feature both invited and contributed talks.

The confirmed invited speakers are:

Jeremy Avigad (Department of Philosophy and Department of Mathematical 
Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University, USA)

Claudio Bartocci (Dipartimento di Matematica, Università degli Studi di 
Genova, Italy)

Christophe Eckes (Archives Poincaré, Université Lorraine, France)

Sara Negri (Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki, Finland)

Jean-Michel Salanskis (Institut de recherches philosophiques, Université 
Paris Ouest, France)

Submissions of papers in any topic of philosophy of mathematics are 
welcome. The languages of the workshop are French and English. Younger 
scholars and graduate students working on their dissertations are 
encouraged to submit, as the workshop will provide them with an 
opportunity to discuss their work with internationally renowned experts in 
the field.

Each submission should be no more than 15,000 characters.

Contributions should be submitted online, creating a personal account on 
the website https://fpmw8-2016.sciencesconf.org/ and uploading a .doc .rtf 
or .pdf file containing the proposal in an anonymous form. Please specify 
in Comments if you are a PhD student.

Should you encounter difficulties, you can send your proposal to the 
address: fpmw8-2016@sciencesconf.org writing [abstract] in the topic of 
your message. Proposals should include in the text of the message the 
following information: title of the paper, email address and affiliation 
of the author(s).

Contributed talks should be no longer than 60 minutes, and will be 
followed by a 30 minute discussion. Two slots of 45 minutes (30 minutes 
talk + 15 minutes discussion) will be reserved for PhD students.

Important dates:

Deadline for submission: May 15, 2016

Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2016

Conference : November 3-5, 2016

Scientific committee: Andrew Arana (IHPST/Paris 1), Paola Cantu 
(AMU/CNRS), Gabriella Crocco (AMU), Michael Detlefsen (University of Notre 
Dame), Viviane Durand-Guerrier (IMAG/Université de Montpellier), Sébastien 
Gandon (Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont), Valeria Giardino (AHP/CNRS), 
Brice Halimi (IRePh/Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre), Gerhard Heinzmann 
(AHP/UL), Jean-Baptiste Joinet (IRPhil/Université Jean Moulin ? Lyon 3), 
Vincent Jullien (CAPHI/Université de Nantes), Giuseppe Longo (ENS/CNRS), 
Colin MacLarty (Case Western Reserve University), Paolo Mancosu (UC 
Berkeley), Jean-Pierre Marquis (Université de Montréal), Sébastien Maronne 
(Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse/Université de Toulouse Paul 
Sabatier), Baptiste Mélès (AHP/CNRS), Joël Merker (LMO/Université 
Paris-Sud), Philippe Nabonnand (AHP, Nancy), Alberto Naibo (IHPST/Paris 
1), Marco Panza (IHPST/CNRS), Fabrice Pataut (SND, Paris 1), Fréderic 
Patras (Laboratoire Jean-Alexandre Dieudonné/CNRS), Francesca Poggiolesi 
(IHPST/CNRS), David Rabouin (SPHERE/CNRS), Shahid Rahman (STL/Université 
Lille 3), Andrei Rodin (Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of 
Sciences), Stewart Shapiro (The Ohio State University), Jean-Jacques 
Szczeciniarz (SPHERE/Paris 7), Mark Van Atten (SND/CNRS), Pierre Wagner 
(IHPST/Paris 1).

Organizing Committee: Paola Cantù (AMU/CNRS), Gabriella Crocco (AMU), 
Philippe Abgrall (AMU/CNRS), Marie Anglade (AMU), Valérie Débuiche (AMU), 
Mathilde Bouquet (AMU), Julie Humeau (AMU), Anaïs Mauriceau (AMU/CNRS), 
Sylvie Pons (AMU).

Support to the Organizing Committee: Valeria Giardino (AHP/CNRS), Gerhard 
Heinzmann (AHP/UL), Philippe Nabonnand (AHP/UL), Baptiste Mélès (AHP/CNRS)

Partners: CNRS, Université Aix-Marseille, CEPERC (UMR 7304), and GDR 3719 
?Philosophie des Mathématiques?, which includes the following research 
groups: AHP (UMR 7117), CAPHI (EA 2163), CEPERC (UMR 7304), IMAG (UMR 
5149), IHP (UMR 8163), IHPST (UMR 8590), IMT (UMR 5219), IREPh (EA 373), 
IRPhil (EA 4187), Laboratoire Jean-Alexandre Dieudonné (UMR 7351), LMO 
(UMR 8628 STL), PHIER (EA 3297), SND (FRE 3593), SPHERE APPEL A 
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