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Hilbert-Bernays Summer School on Logic and Computation

24-30 July 2016
Goettingen, Germany

The Georg-August-Universität Göttingen organizes a "Hilbert-Bernays
Summer School on Logic and Computation" 24th July ? 30th July 2016.

This summer school offers a unique opportunity for undergraduate and
graduate students to experience compelling lectures on Logic and

Encouraged by previous years of success, in particular the edition 2015
which is been a great success, we offer students from all over the world
the possibility to sign up this 1-week (3 ECTS) Summer School
course covering topics such as:

- From Hilbert to Gentzen and beyond
- Proof mining
- lambda-calculus
- Computational contents of proofs

Students may anticipate a high professional outcome in a dedicated
international environment along with extra-curricular activities.

The summer school receives financial support of the DAAD, the German
Academic Exchange Service, with funds of the Foreign Office (Auswärtiges
Amt - AA), to give a number of grants for foreign students to cover
travel and living expanses.

Deadline for registration and grant applications: 30 April 2016

Further information about the summer school can be found at

We kindly ask you to distribute this information to interested students
and please feel free to send any queries you or your students might have
to summer@math.uni-goettingen.de.

The summer school is also endorsed by the following scientific
- Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (AIPS)
- Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL)
- Deutsche Vereinigung für Mathematische Logik und für
Grundlagenforschung der Exakten Wissenschaften (DVMLG)
- European Association for Computer Science Logic
- Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie (gap)
- Kurt Gödel Society

Thank you in advance and best regards,
Hartje Kriete and Reinhard Kahle

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provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam