Logic List Mailing Archive
Postdoctoral position (3y) in Logic, Helsinki (Finland), Deadline: 20 Aug 2015
Applications are invited for a 3-year
for a fixed term from October 1, 2015 to August 31, 2018 (35 months) associated
with the Academy of Finland project, ?Dependence and Independence in Logic:
Foundations and Philosophical Significance?.
The project is led by Professor Gabriel Sandu and also includes funding for
3-year post-doctoral position from September 1, 2016 onwards (and will be
advertised later on).
This is an interdisciplinary project which will focus on the systematic
analysis of notions of dependence and independence that have emerged from
recent work in logic (Independence Friendly-Logic, Dependence Logic,
Independence Logic, Modal Dependence Logic, etc) in contrast to counterfactual
notions of dependence/independence based on the work of Lewis and Stalnaker
(closest possible world) and causal notions of dependence (Pearl).
There is some flexibility in the exact research area of the postdoc, but it
should have a clear bearing on one of the project's central goals, which
1. The development of extensions of dependence/independence logics with modal,
epistemic and probabilistic notions.
2. The study of the differences between functional, probabilistic and causal
notions of dependence/independence in relation to their explanatory role in
recent applications (social choice theory, quantum theory, linguistics).
3. The significance of dependence/independence logics for philosophy of logic
and foundations of mathematics.
The salary will be 3 140 euros per month. It is based on levels 5/3 in the
salary system of Finnish universities.
Applications addressed to Professor Gabriel Sandu, with the required enclosures
(1. a cover letter describing the candidate?s research interests and his/hers
academic background, 2. list of publications, and 3. CV) must be e-mailed to:
sandu@mappi.helsinki.fi (as one file).
The deadline for applications is August 20, 2015 at 15:45. The decision will be
communicated to the successful candidate by the end of August.
For further information please contact Professor Gabriel Sandu, +358 2941
29232, sandu@mappi.helsinki.fi.