21-23 Sep 2015
Vienna, Austria
CFP: SoTFoM III and The Hyperuniverse Programme, Vienna, September 21- 23, 2015. The Hyperuniverse Programme, launched in 2012, and currently pursued within a Templeton-funded research project at the Kurt Gdel Research Center in Vienna, aims to identify and philosophically motivate the adoption of new set-theoretic axioms. The programme intersects several topics in the philosophy of set theory and of mathematics, such as the nature of mathematical (set-theoretic) truth, the universe/multiverse dichotomy, the alternative conceptions of the set-theoretic multiverse, the conceptual and epistemological status of new axioms and their alternative justificatory frameworks. The aim of SotFoM III+The Hyperuniverse Programme Joint Conference is to bring together scholars who, over the last years, have contributed mathematically and philosophically to the ongoing work and debate on the foundations and the philosophy of set theory, in particular, to the understanding and the elucidation of the aforementioned topics. The three-day conference, taking place September 21-23 at the KGRC in Vienna, will feature invited and contributed speakers. Invited Speakers T. Arrigoni (Bruno Kessler Foundation) G. Hellman (Minnesota) P. Koellner (Harvard) M. Leng (York) . Linnebo (Oslo) W.H. Woodin (Harvard) + I. Jan (Barcelona) [TBC] Call for papers We invite (especially young) scholars to send their papers/abstracts, addressing one of the following topical strands: - new set-theoretic axioms - forms of justification of the axioms and their status within the philosophy of mathematics - conceptions of the universe of sets - conceptions of the set-theoretic multiverse - the role and importance of new axioms for non-set-theoretic mathematics - the Hyperuniverse Programme and its features - alternative axiomatisations and their role for the foundations of mathematics Papers should be prepared for blind review and submitted through EasyChair on the following page: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sotfom3hyp We especially encourage female scholars to send us their contributions. Accommodation expenses for contributed speakers will be covered by the KGRC. Key Dates: Submission deadline: 15 June 2015 Notification of acceptance: 15 July 2015 For further information, please contact: sotfom [at] gmail [dot] com or alternatively one of: C. Antos N. Barton C. Ternullo J. Wigglesworth