Logic List Mailing Archive
PhD student position in nonmonotonic logics and formal argumentation, Bochum (Germany), Deadline: 17 May 2015
The Institute for Philosophy II at the Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB) invites
applications for a PhD research position in the domain of nonmonotonic logics
and formal argumentation.
Duration: 4 years (incl. trial period)
Starting date: 1. September 2015 (latest)
Public salary TV-L 13, 65%
Deadline for the application: 17. May 2015
The candidate is supposed to have an MA degree (or equivalent) in philosophy,
computer science or mathematics. Candidates with a background in formal logic
and/or formal argumentation are preferred.
For the sake of internationalization and gender-equality, applicants from
abroad as well as non-male candidates are especially encouraged to apply.
Mastering the German language is not required.
The position is part of a research project on formal argumentation and
defeasible reasoning (see <http://tinyurl.com/k4f8wqy> for details). The
project is funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in the context of
the Sofja Kovalevskaja Prize. By means of the funding a research centre on
formal argumentation and nonmonotonic reasoning has been established at the
Institute for Philosophy II at the Ruhr-University Bochum (see
The candidate is expected to actively contribute to the project and to
activities of the research group. Research collaborations with other team
members and with external members are encouraged. The candidate will also be
encouraged to participate in international workshops and conferences, for which
the standard traveling expenses will be covered.
For the application, please submit the following documents:
-a CV
-a list of publications and talks if applicable
-a motivation letter
-a writing sample (e.g., a part of the master thesis, an essay, etc.)
-contact details of two possible referees (no recommendation letters necessary)
Please submit your documents electronically to <christian.strasser@RUB.de>
under the subject line "Application Kovalevskaja PhD 2" by latest 17. May 2015.
For any further inquiries please contact <christian.strasser@RUB.de>.
Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview. For candidates from
abroad the interview may be held in terms of a video-conference.
Announcement link: