22-26 Jun 2015
Heidelberg, Germany
CCR 2015 in Heidelberg The Tenth International Conference on Computability, Complexity and Randomness (CCR 2015) will be held in Heidelberg, in the Institute of Computer Science, from the 22nd to the 26th of June 2015. http://math.uni-heidelberg.de/logic/conferences/ccr2015/ The conference will be in the tradition of the previous meetings Cordoba, Buenos Aires, Nanjing, Luminy, Notre Dame, Cape Town, Cambridge, Moscow and Singapore. ??opics covered include: * Algorithmic randomness, * Computability theory, * Kolmogorov complexity, * Computational complexity, * Reverse mathematics and logic. * Randomness in networks and applications to biology. ??uthors are invited to submit an abstract in PDF format of typically about 1 or 2 pages via the following web page: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ccr2015 The deadline for submissions is 20th April 2015. No full papers will be required for this conference. After the deadline for submissions has expired, submissions may still be accepted for reviewing at the discretion of the PC chairs. Speakers will be invited to contribute to a special issue of Theory of Computing Systems (TOCS). ??nvited speakers include * George Barmpalias (Victoria University of Wellington), * Bruno Bauwens (Ghent University), * Gilad Bavly (Tel-Aviv University), * Noam Greenberg (Victoria University of Wellington), * Rupert Hölzl (National University of Singapore), * Thomas House (University of Warwick), * Dominik Janzing (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen), * Antonín Ku?era (Charles University Prague), * Jack Lutz (Iowa State University), * Arno Pauly (University of Cambridge), * Jason Rute (Pennsylvania State University), * Marius Zimand (Towson University). * Harry Buhrman (CWI and University of Amsterdam) will give a mini course on quantum computing. The programme committee consists of George Barmpalias (Wellington, New Zealand), Adam Day (Wellington, New Zealand), Santiago Figueira (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Willem Fouché (Pretoria, South Africa), Rupert Hölzl (Singapore), Andy Lewis-Pye (co-chair) (London, United Kingdom), Wolfgang Merkle (co-chair) (Heidelberg, Germany), Selwyn Ng (Singapore), Christopher Porter (Paris, France), Alexander Shen (Montpellier, France, and Moscow, Russia), Vinodchandran Variyam (Lincoln, United States), Paul Vitányi (Amsterdam, Netherlands). The local organizing committee consists of Klaus Ambos-Spies, Anja Kamp, Nadine Losert, Wolfgang Merkle, Martin Monath.