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Postdoctoral position (3y) in "Conditionals and Information Transfer" (Philosophy), Konstanz (Germany), Deadline: 22 Feb 2015
The DFG Research Unit FOR 1614 /What if? On the epistemological,
pragmatic, psychological, and cultural significance of counterfactual
thinking /offers
a Post-Doc Position for three years
within the subproject /Conditionals and Information Transfer/**directed by
the speaker of the unit, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Spohn.
The homepage of the research unit is:
A description of the general goals of the unit and of the specific
subproject may be found at:
(in German; see the English summaries, though).
The position starts at July 1, 2015, at the latest. The salary is 100% TVL
E13. PhD or equivalent degree is presupposed, good knowledge of formal
epistemology and English and some knowledge of German is required.
The tasks to be performed are:
(a)research on the topics and issues described,
(b)fulfilment of the deliverables and milestones as described,
(c)engagement in the collaborative work of the research unit,
(d)engagement in the Philosophy Department at the University of Konstanz.
Please send your application (cover letter, CV, degrees, a writing sample
and two letters of reference) by e-mail to ruth.katzmarek@uni-konstanz.de
*till February 22, 2015*.
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Spohn
Department of Philosophy, University of Konstanz,
78457 Konstanz, Germany
Phone: +49 7531 882503, Fax: +49 7532 884121