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Postdoctoral position on "Ontology after Quine", Hamburg (Germany), Deadline: 31 Jan 2015
The University of Hamburg offers a postdoctoral research position in
association with the Emmy Noether Research Group Ontologie nach Quine
<http://carvingnature.net>, which is based in the Department of Philosophy
<http://www.philosophie.uni-hamburg.de/index_e.html> and led by Richard
Woodward <http://carvingnature.net/woodward/>.
The Research Group, which is generously funded through the DFG
<http://www.dfg.de/en/>'s Emmy Noether Programme
began in July 2013 and will run until July 2018. Its official title translates
as "Ontology after Quine: Fictionalism and Fundamentality" and, as its name
suggests, the Group's research Project <http://carvingnature.net/project>
focuses on issues in metametaphysics and metaontology, set against the
historical backdrop of the Quine-Carnap debate about the respectability of
ontological inquiry. The remit of the project is thus broad, incorporating not
only issues in first- and second-order metaphysics and ontology, but also
connected issues in metaphilosophy and the philosophies of logic and language.
More information about the Group and its activities can be found at our
website: http://carvingnature.net.
The advertized position is full-time and will last for a period of *ONE* year.
The exact starting date is negotiable, but the successful candidate should take
up their position by July 1st 2015 at the latest. The successful applicant is
expected to have completed their doctoral studies (i.e. submitted their
doctoral thesis) by the time they take up the position.
The application deadline is *January 31st, 2015. *
Our goal is to build a team of researchers with complimentary and varied areas
of interest and expertize, and to create a friendly and productive atmosphere
of collaborative research. We encourage applications from researchers working
on the topics mentioned above and stress that we welcome applications from
researchers from a wide variety of philosophical backgrounds and not merely
those who have worked on (meta)-metaphysics in the past. We particularly
welcome applications from philosophers in groups that are currently
under-represented in our profession.
Mastery of the German language is not a necessary condition of appointment;
mastery of the English language is.
The official advert, with further information and instructions, can be found