Logic List Mailing Archive

"Structure and Relations"

28 Nov 2014
Utrecht, The Netherlands

Dear all,

On Friday 28 November a mini-conference will be held in Utrecht on:

Structure and Relations

No matter how chaotic the world may seem, some of us think that structure 
is all there is. We are not going to determine whether this view is 
correct, but we will focus on the requirements for a mathematical 
foundation that enables us to talk in the most direct way about structure 
and relations.

10:00?11:00  F.A. Muller (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Utrecht University)
              Axiomatising Structure: Why? What? How?
11:00?12:00  Benno van den Berg (University of Amsterdam)
              Univalent Foundation
12:00?13:00  Lunch
13:00?14:00  Joop Leo (Utrecht University)
              A new logic of relations
14:00?14:30  Discussion

Drift 6, room 007, Utrecht.

You are all welcome!

Kind regards,
Joop Leo

- - - - - - - - - -
dr. Joop Leo
Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities
Janskerkhof 13, 3512 BL Utrecht
The Netherlands
+31 6 12020311   joop.leo@uu.nl<mailto:joop.leo@uu.nl>