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AI*IA 2014 Doctoral Consortium

11 Dec 2014
Pisa, Italy



Pisa, Italy,
December 11th, 2014


The aim of the Doctoral Consortium is to provide an opportunity for
Ph.D. students to present their ongoing research receiving valuable
feedback and to get a state-of-the-art picture of  research in other
academic institutions, thus promoting networking among students from the
same and/or different research areas.
The Doctoral Consortium will receive contributions from students at
different stages of their education. For this
purpose, we invite papers in one of the following submission categories:
- Thesis/Research proposal (for students who wish to get feedback on the
progress of their thesis work)
- Research papers
- Position papers / Surveys
- Prototypes/Demos

All subareas of Artificial Intelligence are welcome in general. The list
of topics includes (but is not limited to):

  - Big Data
  - Cognitive systems
  - Complex networks
  - Computer Vision
  - Data Mining and Machine Learning
  - Formal methods for AI
  - Information Extraction
  - Knowledge Representation, and reasoning
  - Multi-agent systems
  - Natural Language Processing
  - Ontologies
  - Philosophical perspectives
  - Planning and Scheduling
  - Robotics
  - Search methodologies
  - Uncertainty

Each author will be asked to review 2 or 3 submitted papers. This will
give the student the opportunity of taking part in the 'behind the
scenes' reviewal process; this also allows  participants to get
acquainted with the published papers in advance, which in turn will
facilitate discussions at the workshop. The members of the organizing
committee will be appointed with the task of supervising and monitoring
the reviewal process, making sure that all reviews match fairness and
quality standards.

All submissions must be written in English and must be formatted
according to the information for LNCS Authors:
The only accepted format for submitted papers is PDF. The maximum
submission length is 10 pages (A4). Paper submission will be handled
electronically by means of the Easychair system. The submission page is
available at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dcaiia2014.
Accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceedings published
on-line by CEUR and will also be indexed by DBLP.
The authors of the accepted papers must attend the workshop to present
the paper and must be registered to the AI*IA symposium.

Paper Submission open: July 1st, 2014
Paper Submission deadline: EXTENDED: September 25th, 2014
Notification of acceptance: October 10th, 2014
Camera ready due: November 25th, 2014
Doctoral consortium: December 11th, 2014

Luigi Di Caro (Universit di Torino)
Carmine Dodaro (Universit della Calabria, Rende)
Andrea Loreggia (Universit di Padova)
Roberto Navigli (Universit La Sapienza, Roma)
Alan Perotti (Universit di Torino)
Manuela Sanguinetti (Universit di Torino)

CONTACT:  dc2014@di.unito.it