5-8 Jan 2015
Mumbai, India
----------------------------------- ASIAN LOGIC CONFERENCE (ALC) 2015 January 5-8, 2015 IIT-Bombay, India Call For Submission of Abstracts ----------------------------------- The Fourteenth Asian Logic Conference will be held in Mumbai from January 5 to 8, 2015. The Asian Logic Conference series is sponsored by the Association for Symbolic Logic and the meetings are major international events in mathematical logic. The series features the latest scientific developments in the fields in mathematical logic and applications, logic in computer science, and philosophical logics. It also aims at promoting activities of mathematical logic in the Asia-Pacific region and bringing logicians both from within Asia and elsewhere together to exchange information and ideas. From 1981 to 2008, the Asian Logic Conference has been held triennially and rotated among countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Recent ALC conferences have been in Singapore (2009), Wellington(2011) and Guangzhou (2013). The programme will cover a wide range of topics and will feature plenary lectures presented by leading specialists in every major area of mathematical logic. In addition there will be many contributed talks. Paper Submission: All the abstracts of contributed talks should be submitted through Easychair by the deadline of ***** September 29th, 2014 ****. The conference topics include, but are not limited to: Set Theory; Model theory; Recursion Theory; Proof theory; Computability Theory; Algebraic Structures; Logical Aspects of Computation; Philosophical Logic. The abstract must be written in ENGLISH and must contain the following: title; author(s); email address; identification of corresponding author, if not the first author; a short abstract (not more than 500 words) and a list of keywords. Use of AMS-LaTeX or MathML is acceptable but please do not use private macros or include images. ALC 2015 Easychair submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=alc2015 Important Dates: Abstract Submission: 29 September 2014 Notification : 15 October 2014 Early Registration: 20 December 2014 Conference: January 5-8, 2015 Conference page: http://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/~alc15/index.html -----------------------------------