24 Oct 2014
Gent, Belgium
The Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science (CLPS) of Ghent University will host a one-day workshop: "Inconsistencies in Scientific Reasoning" Date: October 24th, 2014. Invited speakers: Diderik Batens, Joke Meheus, F. A. Muller, Marij van Strien, and Peter Vickers. Program, abstracts and more info: http://www.philosophy.ugent.be/isr Attendance: free (please send an email to frederik.vandeputte@ugent.be <http://dev.org/null> in case you wish to attend). The workshop aims at exploring two closely related issues. First, the descriptive question, how frequent and how significant inconsistencies in scientific reasoning are. This gives rise to the second question, what normative conclusions we can draw from such historical analyses. The latter issue concerns the methodological standards of scientific inquiry, as well as the question whether classical logic is sufficient for the explication of scientific reasoning, or whether specific non-classical logics are needed to this end. Organizers: Dunja Šešelja (Ruhr-University Bochum) and Frederik Van De Putte (Ghent University).