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CfP special issue of 'Discipline filosofiche' on philosophical analysis and experimental philosophy, Deadline: 31 Dec 2014
Call for Papers, special issue of /Discipline filosofiche/
*Philosophical Analysis and Experimental Philosophy*
Over the last decades, a renewed interest for metaphilosophical issues has
prompted many philosophers in the analytic tradition to ask questions on the
epistemic status and the methodology of philosophical inquiry. Reflection has
focussed especially on the nature and reliability of intuitions, on the notion
of /a priori/and on the plausibility of the idea that philosophical knowledge
can be gained, as the phrase goes, from the armchair.
This attitude stems from various sources, such as the cognitive turn that has
shaped a consistent part of recent Anglophone philosophy, the revival of
metaphysics encouraged by Kripke's rehabilitation of /de re/necessity, and the
formulation of new accounts of analyticity and /a priori/knowledge. In part,
however, metaphilosophical issues have become so urgent for today's analytical
philosophers as a result of the increasing attraction of so-called
'experimental philosophy'.
Upholders of experimental philosophy are driven by the idea that philosophical
inquiry cannot afford to ignore the data gathered by empirical sciences.
Considering the tendency to discount empirical results to retreat into the
domain of the /a priori/as a relatively recent development in philosophical
methodology, they advocate a return to an earlier idea of philosophy, conceived
as the study of the deepest questions raised by the human condition, a study
necessarily open to the contributions of various empirical disciplines, such as
psychology, cognitive sciences, social sciences and history.
In the last fifteen years or so, practitioners of experimental philosophy have
thus collected several sets of empirical data, from which they wish to draw
significant consequences about the plausibility of various philosophical views
concerning, for instance, linguistic reference, the nature of knowledge and
issues in moral philosophy. Many of these philosophers believe that empirical
research can enhance our understanding of several important philosophical
notions and issues. But some are more radical: they argue that the results of
empirical research show that the traditional way of doing philosophy, with its
reliance on counterfactual reasoning and intuitions generated by mental
experiments, is intrinsically unreliable. As one would expect, this more
radical position has sparked serious concern among practitioners of traditional
philosophical analysis. Thus, they have variously reacted to the challenge by
questioning the soundness of the methodology employed by experimental
philosophers in collecting their data, by denying that such empirical data can
have any genuine bearing on philosophical research, or by refining their own
view of the nature of the intuitions employed in conceptual and/or
philosophical analysis.
The aim of this issue of /Discipline filosofiche/is to collect papers
representing a wide range of approaches and positions on the many issues raised
by this clash of metaphilosophical paradigms.
The issue will host two opening contributions by two well-known exponents of
the opposite sides of the debate: Ernest Sosa (Rutgers University) and Jonathan
Weinberg (University of Arizona).
Submissions are invited on both the experimental side -- promoting new ways of
pursuing philosophical inquiry -- and the traditional side -- defending
classical philosophical analysis. Papers may be theoretical or experimental in
character, either discussing broad methodological questions (the role of
intuitions, the value of mental experiments, various conceptions of naturalism,
etc.) or elaborating on experimental studies concerning particular concepts.
Papers assessing the merits and limits of both attitudes, either in general or
in specific research fields, will be particularly welcome. Submissions will be
considered in all the philosophical disciplines or subdisciplines:
epistemology, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind and cognitive
sciences, philosophy of mathematics and mathematical cognition, reasoning and
philosophy of logic, ethics, aesthetics, etc.
*Guest Contributors**
//Ernest Sosa (Rutgers University)
Jonathan Weinberg (University of Arizona)
*Guest Editors*
Mario Alai (University of Urbino)
Andrea Sereni (San Raffaele University)
Giorgio Volpe (University of Bologna)
*Submission **guidelines*
Submitted manuscripts must be written in English and should not exceed 9,000
words including abstract, references and footnotes.
All manuscripts will go through a double-blind peer review process. They should
be prepared for anonymous refereeing and sent by email attachment in .docx,
.doc, .odt, or .rtf format to giorgio.volpe@unibo.it (all submissions will be
Submitted manuscripts can be formatted in any clear and consistent style, but
authors finalizing their papers for publication will be required to hand in a
final version that respects the journal's stylistic rules.
Submission of a manuscript is understood to imply that the paper has not been
published before and is not being considered for publication by any other
*Relevant Dates**
Deadline for submission: 31 December, 2014.
Notification of acceptance, conditional acceptance, rejection: 31 May, 2015.
Final version due: 30 September, 2015.
*About */*Discipline filosofiche*/
/Discipline filosofiche/is a peer-reviewed philosophy journal which is
published twice a year, print and online, with the support of the Department of
Philosophy and Communication Studies of the University of Bologna. It is
indexed in the bibliographic databases and search engines listed at
_http://www.disciplinefilosofiche.it/indicizzazione-2/?lang=en_and it is ranked
in class A in the Italian ASN rating for the 11/C-1-C2-C3-C4-C5 areas.