Logic List Mailing Archive

Final CfP: CL 2014

4-6 Sep 2014
Neubiberg bei Muenchen, Germany


Final Call for Papers


4-6 September 2014, Munich, Germany

Submission deadline: June 16, 2014 

The Colloquium Logicum is organized every two years by the "Deutsche 
Vereinigung fuer Mathematische Logik und fuer Grundlagenforschung der Exakten 
Wissenschaften" (DVMLG).

In 2014 the colloquium is organized by the Theoretical Computer Science & 
Mathematical Logic group of the Universität der Bundeswehr München in 
Neubiberg, in the vicinity of Munich, Germany.

The conference will cover the whole range of mathematical logic and the 
foundations of the exact sciences, in particular, logic in philosophy, computer 
science and artificial intelligence.

Keynote Speakers.

     * Matthias Aschenbrenner (Los Angeles, USA)
     * Manuel Bodirsky (Palaiseau, France)
     * Stefania Centrone (Oldenburg, Germany)
     * Victoria Gitman (New York, USA)
     * Fairouz Kamareddine (Edinburgh, Scotland)
     * Anca Muscholl (Bordeaux, France)
     * Olivier Roy (Bayreuth, Germany)
     * Daniel Turetsky (Vienna, Austria)

In addition to the keynote talks, there will be a "PhD Colloquium" with invited 
presentations of excellent recent PhD graduates.

The programme committee invites the submission of abstracts of papers of all 
fields of research covered by the DVMLG: mathematical logic and the foundations 
of the exact sciences (including logic in philosophy, computer science and 
artificial intelligence).

Abstracts should have between 100 and 500 words and are to be submitted via the 
easychair submission page

    * https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cl2014

The submission deadline is

    * Monday, June 16, 2014.

Authors of papers will be notified about acceptance soon after that.

Programme Committee

    * Vasco Brattka (Munich, Germany and Cape Town, South Africa)
    * Anuj Dawar (Cambridge, UK)
    * Liesbeth De Mol (Gent, Belgium)
    * Rosalie Iemhoff (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
    * Hannes Leitgeb (Munich, Germany)
    * Benedikt Löwe (Hamburg, Germany and Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Chair)
    * André Nies (Auckland, New Zealand)
    * Katrin Tent (Münster, Germany)


    * http://cca-net.de/cl2014/

The Colloquium Logicum 2014 is generously funded by the Deutsche 
Forschungsgemeinschaft (LO 834/11-1).