7-8 Jul 2014
Vienna, Austria
SoTFoM, SYMPOSIUM I; KGRC 7-8 JULY 2014. CFR AND PROGRAMME. The organisers are delighted to announce a provisional programme for the upcoming Symposium in the Foundations of Mathematics, to be held at the Kurt Gödel Research Center at the University of Vienna on 7-8 July. Participation is free, but spaces are limited. Those wishing to register for the conference should send an e-mail with their name and affiliation to sotfom [at] gmail [dot] com. Programme: DAY 1 - 7th July 2014 Session 1 ? Chair: Carolin Antos 1000-1005 Introductory Remarks 1005-1135 Sy-David Friedman: TBC 1135-1145 Coffee Break 1145-1300 Jose Ferreirós: `Issues of evidence in set theory: some comparative remarks.? 1300-1500 Lunch Session 2 ? Chair: John Wigglesworth 1500-1615 Zeynep Soysal: `What is the Universe of Sets?? 1615-1730 Toby Meadows: `The Generic Multiverse Debate.? 1730-1745 Coffee Break 1745-1900 Brice Halimi: `Models as Universes.? DAY 2 - 8 July 2014 Session 1- Chair: Claudio Ternullo 1000-1130 Hannes Leitgeb: `On Mathematical Structuralism' 1130-1145 Coffee Break 1145-1300 Chris Scambler: `Absoluteness and Indeterminacy: On the Philosophical Signi?cance of Semi-Constructive Set Theory.? 1300-1500 Lunch Session 2 ? Chair: Neil Barton 1500-1615 Hans-Christoph Kotzsch: `Homotopy Type Theory and Foundations of Mathematics.? 1615-1730 Walter Dean: `On reflection, Proof- and Set-Theoretic.? 1730-1745 Coffee Break 1745-1900 Johannes Korbmacher and Georg Schiemer: `On Structural Properties.?