Logic List Mailing Archive

Reactive Systems: David Harel's 64th birthday

23 Jul 2014
Vienna, Austria

Call for Participation (apologies for multiple postings)

We are happy to invite you to attend a one-day workshop affiliated with
CAV'14 at FLoC/Vienna Summer of Logic - July 23, 2014 -

  Special Workshop on Reactive Systems:
  Directions in Development and Analysis

The workshop celebrates thirty years of statecharts and David Harel?s 
2^6th birthday, and will feature invited talks by distinguished speakers.

Confirmed speakers include:

* Albert Benveniste, INRIA
* Edmund Clarke, Carnegie Mellon University
* Nachum Dershowitz, Tel-Aviv University
* Jasmin Fisher, Microsoft Research and University of Cambridge
* Orna Grumberg, Technion
* Thomas A. Henzinger, IST Austria
* Tony Hoare, Microsoft Research and Cambridge University Computing
* Hillel Kugler, Microsoft Research
* Marta Kwiatkowska, Oxford University
* Shahar Maoz, Tel Aviv University
* Dana Scott, Carnegie Mellon University and University of California,
* Moshe Vardi, Rice University

Areas include software and system engineering, biological modeling, design,
development, logic, verification, and applications.

Please feel free to forward to other individuals, groups, students, etc.,
who may be interested.

For the detailed program see http://smlab.cs.tau.ac.il/rs14vsl/
or contact the organizers:

Shahar Maoz, Tel Aviv University, Israel (maoz@cs.tau.ac.il)
Assaf Marron, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel (

Register via Vienna Summer of Logic registration at