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PhD student position in algebra and logic for policy and utility in information security, London (U.K.)

PhD Studentship

Algebra and Logic for Policy and Utility in Information Security (ALPUIS)

University College London
Department of Computer Science

Supervisor: David Pym

Applications are invited for a PhD position at UCL's Department of Computer Science, in
the Programming Principles, Logic, and Verification and/or Information Security Research
Groups. The studentship is funded by UCL in connection with the EPSRC-funded project,
'Algebra and Logic for Policy and Utility in Information Security', involving teams from
UCL, the University of Bath, and the University of Aberdeen, and the University of Exeter.
The project is multidisciplinary, drawing upon logic, theoretical computer science,
economics, and security management and policy. The overall project has three main
components. First, a basic mathematical foundation that will address utility theory
from the perspective of algebraic theories of processes and their associated modal and
substructural logics. This work will provide foundations for a systems modelling
framework that both incorporates utility and is fully compositional. Second, formulations
of industrial- and large-scale security policy design and decision-making informed by
the concepts of the systems modelling framework. Third, agent- and game-based
interpretations of the modelling framework described in the first part that will address
the policy issues formulated in the third part. Depending on the academic strengths and
interests of the successful candidate, the studentship may be associated with any of the
three components of the project.

The studentship will be funded for a period of 4 years. UCL will cover the costs of fees
at UK/EU rates (currently £4,410 per annum) and will provide a total tax-free stipend of
£15,726 per annum. A travel budget is also provided to enable attendance at international
conferences and workshops. The start-date for the studentship will be in September 2014.
We expect a candidate to have at least a strong 2:1 degree in Mathematics, Computer
Science, Engineering, and/or a related Master's degree. Some prior knowledge of some of
information/computer security, security management/policy, logic, probability
theory, mathematical modelling using tools such as Matlab, and empirical methods in data
collection and analysis would be advantageous.

Applications should be submitted to University College London. Please follow the link here
http://www.ucl.ac.uk/prospective-students/graduate/apply/research/how-to-apply/ to the
online application. You should specify on your application that you would like to be
supervised by Prof. David Pym and make it clear in your personal statement you are
applying for the ?ALPUIS' studentship.

Professor of Information, Logic, and Security
Head of Programming Principles, Logic, and Verification
University College London
