Logic List Mailing Archive

Summer School on Computational Logic

17-18 Jul 2014
Vienna, Austria

Association for Logic Programming

     2014 Summer School on Computational Logic


           July 17-18, Vienna, Austria

         (Part of Vienna Summer of Logic)

Students interested in research in computational logic
are invited to attend the 2014 Summer School on Computational
Logic. The 2-day summer school is suited for those who wish to learn
advanced topics in computational logic and logic programming.
The summer school will consist of four half-day tutorials on the
following topics:

1. Probabilistic Logic Programming
        Lecturer: C.R. Ramakrishnan, SUNY Stony Brook, USA

2. Answer Set Programming
        Lecturer: Martin Gebser, University of Potsdam, USA

3. Horn Clauses and Verification
        Lecturer: Andrey Rybalchenko, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK

4. Constraint Programming
        Lecturer: Roman Bartak, Charles University, Check Republic

A number of scholarships for students that cover local expenses
for the duration of the summer school are available. To apply, send
a short vita along with a letter of recommendation for the faculty
advisor to Prof. Gopal Gupta at gupta@utdallas.edu by May 31st. The
letter should also certify that the applicant is a full-time student.

Significant travel support is also available through the FLoC organization.
Visit http://vsl2014.at/floc14-travel-support/.