Logic List Mailing Archive

Fibrations in computing 2014 (Fibs'14)

23-24 Jun 2014
Glasgow, Scotland

We would like to announce the following workshop:
   Fibrations in Computing 2014 (Fibs'14)

   * 23 - 24 June 2014, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
   * http://www.msp.cis.strath.ac.uk/fibs-2014/

Originally invented in topology, fibrations have evolved into a powerful
categorical tool to describe fibres of indexed objects and reindexing between
them. In Computer Science, fibrations are used to describe variable binding in
Lambda Calculus, quantifiers in logics, dependent types in Type Theory, or even
dynamics of transition systems. The goal of this workshop is to catch up with
what each of us is doing, to learn from each others techniques and, most 
to chart ideas for future development and interaction.

The workshop will take place in the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow
on the 23. and 24. June 2014. If there is an interest in attending our
small workshop, please let us know at one of the email addresses below, 
if you would like to give a talk. We are always happy to find more souls 
sharing our
enthusiasm for fibrations.

More information can be found on the associated web page


If you know people interested in this workshop, please forward this
announcement to them.

Hope to see you in Glasgow and best wishes,
Neil Ghani, Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg and Henning Basold