29 Jul 2014
Buenos Aires, Argentina
XVI SLALM - SATELLITE COLLOQUIUM OF PHILOSOPHY OF LOGIC A TRIBUTE FOR THE 50th ANNIVERSARY OF THOMAS MORO SIMPSON'S FORMAS LOGICAS, REALIDAD Y SIGNIFICADO , July 29th 2014 ORGANIZERS: Oswaldo Chateaubriand (PUC-Rio) , Javier Legris (IIEP-BAIRES, CONICET-UBA) , Alberto Moretti (UBA, SADAF-CONICET), Eduardo Scarano (CIECE- UBA). Fifty years ago the first edition of the book Formas lgicas, realidad y significado by Thomas Moro Simpson was published in Buenos Aires by Eudeba, the university press of the UBA. It was one of the first books written in Spanish dealing with philosophical problems in Symbolic Logic, mainly from the point of view of philosophical analysis, and was highly influential in the philosophical community of Spanish speaking countries. As a tribute we organized this colloquium about philosophy of logic. CALL FOR PAPERS We invite contributions, following the general guidelines for XVI SLALM for submissions, indicating the section "Satellite Colloquium Simpson". Abstracts should not exceed two pages. It is expected that contributions to the colloquium should be about Simpon's ideas or subjects form the philosophy of logic discussed in his book, like, v. g., ontological suppositions in logic, the meaning of logical constants, the notion of logical form, the idea of a perfect language, the notion of proposition, among others. Deadline for submissiones: May 10th, 2014. The colloquium will be closed with a dialogue with Thomas Moro Simpson The colloquium is coordinated by: Centro de Investigacin en Epistemologa de las Ciencias Econmicas (CIECE), FCE-UBA. More information on the submission procedure, can be found at the conference web site ??ttp://www-2.dc.uba.ar/congresos/slalm2014/