24-26 Sep 2014
Aarhus, Denmark
CONFERENCE: EPISTEMOLOGY OF MODALITY September 24-26 2014, Aarhus University, Denmark MAIN SPEAKERS: Ot?vio Bueno, University of Miami Hannes Leitgeb, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t M?nchen Stephen Mumford, University of Nottingham Daniel Nolan, Australian National University Sonia Roca Royes, University of Stirling Anand Vaidya, San Jose State University Timothy Williamson, Oxford University CALL FOR RESPONDENTS: Anyone interested in presenting a short (at most 10 minutes) prepared response to one of the main speakers? presentations are invited to apply before June 15 to Asbj?rn Steglich-Petersen (filasp@cas.au.dk). The presentations will be made available to respondents at least two weeks prior to the conference. Respondents will be offered bursaries for travel and accommodation (limitations apply), and will participate in the conference and conference meals free of charge. Applications should include a CV and a short statement of how the theme of the conference relates to the applicant?s research interests. Applications may include a preference as to which of the main speakers to respond to, but it cannot be guaranteed that such preferences will be met. REGISTRATION AND FURTHER INFORMATION: http://projects.au.dk/modal-epistemology-six-investigations/conference/