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CfP special issue of Mind & Machines on "Algorithmic Randomness", Deadline: 31 May 2014
Minds and Machines is pleased to invite extended abstracts for
?Algorithmic Randomness: Mathematical Progress and Philosophical
Promise,? a special issue edited by Christopher Porter of Université
Paris 7.
Over roughly the past fifteen years, research in the subject of
algorithmic randomness has flourished. Despite the many developments in
the theory of algorithmic randomness over this period of time, there has
been little reflection on the philosophical significance of these
developments. One plausible reason for this gap in the philosophical
literature is the highly technical nature of work on algorithmic
The focus of the special issue is two-fold: (1) to provide an
accessible point of entry into recent developments in algorithmic
randomness, and (2) to provide a forum for philosophical reflection on
these developments. The editor invites articles on topics in the theory
of algorithmic randomness that illustrate the various roles that
algorithmic randomness plays in computational, statistical, and
mathematical practice, as well as submissions addressing various issues
in the philosophy of algorithmic randomness. The editor especially
encourages submissions concerned with (i) whether and to what extent the
theory of algorithmic randomness provides insight into the concept of
randomness, (ii) the relationship between randomness and computation,
and (iii) the ways in which algorithmic randomness illuminates various
uses of randomness in classical mathematics.
Anyone interested in contributing to the special issue must submit an
extended abstract of one to three pages by May 31, 2014. The abstract
is a proposal for a full paper the author thereby agrees to submit by
January 31, 2015 if his or her proposal has been approved by the editor
of the special issue. Each full paper will thereupon undergo peer
A primary goal of the special issue is to open new interdisciplinary
avenues for discussion of the significance of algorithmic randomness,
potentially bringing mathematicians, computer scientists, statisticians,
and philosophers of mathematics / computer science / science together in
Deadline for extended abstracts: May 31, 2014.
To submit an extended abstract, follow the instructions at the website
for submissions:
When prompted to choose an article type, select ?SI: Algorithmic
Inquiries may be directed to:
Guest Editor: Christopher P. Porter