Logic List Mailing Archive

Russell Visiting Professorship, Hamilton ON (Canada), Deadline: 30 Apr 2014

The Department of Philosophy at McMaster University invites applications 
for a Visiting Professorship in Russell and the History of Early Analytic 
Philosophy. McMaster University, which houses the Bertrand Russell 
Archives and the Bertrand Russell Research Centre, is one of the leading 
centres for research on Russell's philosophy.

The Visiting Professorships, one of which will be available each year, are 
intended for established scholars whose research would be benefited by 
access to the Bertrand Russell Archives for an extended period. They are 
tenable for either one or two semesters, and involve the obligation to 
present at least one paper in the Philosophy Department's Speakers Series 
and teach one fourth year undergraduate course also open to graduates, 
preferably on the history of analytic philosophy (although a different 
topic may be agreed upon with the Chair of the Department of Philosophy), 
while undertaking research in the Russell Archives. The stipend for 
teaching the course is up to $15,749.00, depending on rank, in accordance 
with the standard schedule for overload teaching for 2014/2015. It is 
expected that successful applicants will be on research leave from their 
home university during the term of their Visiting Professorship and thus 
can rely on their regular leave salary for their main financial support. 
The closing date for applications for 2014-15 is April 30, 2014. 
Applicants should send a copy of their CV together with a description of 
the research they propose to conduct at the Russell Archives to the Chair 
( chphilo@mcmaster.ca ), Department of Philosophy, University Hall 310, 
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1, Canada.


For more information, please do not hesitate to contact me (off-list).

Sandra Lapointe

Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy

Academic Director
Lewis and Ruth Sherman Centre for Digital Scholarship

Research Affiliate
Bertrand Russell Research Centre

Editor in Chief
Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy


Dr. Sandra Lapointe
Department of Philosophy
McMaster University
University Hall 310A
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4K1
Tel: 905-525-9140, ext. 24312
Fax: 905-577-0385
