13 Jul 2013
Vienna, Austria
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALL FOR PAPERS The Third International Workshop on GENTZEN SYSTEMS AND BEYOND http://vsl2014.at/pages/GSB-cfp.html July 13, 2014 Vienna, Austria Affiliated wtih CSL-LICS 2014. Hosted by the 2014 Federated Logic Conference. Part of Vienna Summer of Logic 2014. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT DATES Submission deadline April 13, 2014 Author notification May 9, 2014 Final version May 20, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PAPER SUBMISSIONS Abstracts of 1-2 pages in EasyChair LaTeX style should be submitted electronically as PDF files via the EasyChair submission site: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gsb3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AIMS AND SCOPE This is a workshop on Gentzen-style proof systems, their generalizations, and extensions. Since the introduction of the sequent calculus and natural deduction by Gerhard Gentzen in the 1930s, a wide spectrum of formalisms have been used to construct proof systems for logics resisting a simpler description, including hypersequents, deep inference systems, display calculi, labelled deductive systems, tableaux, and proof nets, to name just a few. The aim of this workshop is to explore and compare the motivations for and relative merits of these different approaches. Potential topics for talks include: * Cut-elimination and its applications, e.g., decidability, complexity results, interpolation, amalgamation, completeness proofs, computational interpretations, etc. * Scope, limitations, interrelationships, and philosophical aspects of various formalisms. A broader aim of the workshop is to build a bridge between researchers into theoretical aspects of structural proof theory and the more application-oriented goals of the proof theory community, particularly in cases where the methods, such as constructing analytic systems, are shared. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INVITED SPEAKERS Alex Simpson, University of Edinburgh Anna Zamansky, University of Haifa ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROGRAM COMMITTEE Roman Kuznets (University of Bern) George Metcalfe (University of Bern)