28-30 April 2014
Lund, Sweden
******LIST Of INVITED SPEAKERS UPDATED****** ******IMPORTANT UPDATE*******THE DATES OF THE CONFERENCE HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM APRIL 24-26 TO APRIL 28-30* *Call for Abstracts for the 3rd Lund Conference on * *Games, Interaction, Reasoning, Learning & Semantics * *(G.I.R.L.S.14@LUND):* Evolution and Cooperation *Lund, Department of Philosophy and Cognitive Science,* *April 28-30, 2014 **Sponsored by the Lund Research Group on Information and Information Quality (LU-IQ)* The 3rd Lund Conference on *Games, Interaction, Reasoning, Learning and Semantics* (G.I.R.L.S.14@LUND) welcomes submissions from researchers in philosophy, cognitive science, economics & linguistics, using agent based models with bounded rationality, models of evolutionary dynamics, and other naturalistic approaches. The primary conference aims are to foster cooperation between these groups and help establish common ground. G.I.R.L.S. 14@LUND will be themed around *Evolution and Cooperation*. *Invited speakers *(pending): *Anna Dreber Almenberg* (Department of Economics, Stockholm Schools of Economics, Sweden) https://sites.google.com/site/annadreber/ *Agneta Gulz* (Lund University Cognitive Science, University of Lund, Sweden) http://www.fil.lu.se/person/AgnetaGulz *Jason McKenzie Alexander* (Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, London School of Economics, UK) http://evolve.lse.ac.uk/jalex/Home.php *Friederike Mengel* (Department of Economics, University of Essex, UK) https://sites.google.com/site/friederikemengel/ We welcome submissions that bear upon one or several of the following subjects: - Models of social learning and cooperative learning. - Models of signaling, cooperation, and reciprocal altruism (in both human and non-human animals). - Empirical results on human and non-human cooperation, learning and signaling - Applications of agent-based models of cultural evolution. - Theoretical foundations of multi-agent models with bounded rationality. - Algorithmic, evolutionary game-theoretic, and algorithmic game-theoretic models of strategic agents in cooperative setting. - Empirical results concerning agent strategies in game-like settings. *Submission format* An *anonymous short abstract of 250-500 words* (exclusive bibliography) to be submitted in pdf format through our EasyChair account (link below) on *February** 7th, 2014*, prepared for anonymous peer-review. Authors will be notified of decision by *March 15th, 2014* at the latest. Abstracts can be submitted to be considered as a *talk *or as a *poster*. Abstracts which are not offered a talk will automatically be considered for a poster slot. To accommodate the varying publishing conventions in disciplines among authors submitting to G.I.R.L.S., authors will have the option to provide either an *extended abstract* (2-to-4 pages, including bibliography) or a *short paper* (6-to-8 pages, exclusive bibliography) for inclusion in the electronic proceedings of the conference no later than *April, 10th, 2014*. Short abstracts should include the following information: - For *theoretical papers*: Clearly state the main result, indicate the method & assumptions. - For *empirical papers*: Briefly state the method & results, and indicate their significance. - For *simulation-based papers*: Briefly describe simulation environment, boundary conditions & assumptions; state the main results & their significance. *Important datesFebruary 7th, 2014:* Submission deadline (250-500 words abstract) on https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=girls14 *March 15th, 2014:* Notification to authors. *April 10th, 2014: *Submission of extended abstracts or short papers. *Conference website*: http://girls.loriweb.org/ *Organizing committee:* *Emmanuel Genot* (Department of Philosophy, University of Lund) *Justine Jacot* (Department of Philosophy, University of Lund) *Erik Mohlin* (Nuffield College and Department of Economics, University of Oxford) *Cailin O'Connor* (Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science, UC Irvine) *Philip Pärnamets* (Department of Cognitive Science, University of Lund) *For any questions, send an email at this address:* justine.jacot@fil.lu.se -- G.I.R.L.S.'14 website: http://girls.loriweb.org/ Justine Jacot Lund University Department of Philosophy and Cognitive Science Kungshuset Lundagård 222 22 Lund Sweden