Logic List Mailing Archive

Workshop in (dynamic) modal logics and tableau systems

16 Jan 2014
Brussels, Belgium

On January 16th, 2014 a workshop on (dynamic) modal logics and tableau 
systems will take place at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

The list of speakers is as follows.

Andreas Herzig - Logics for Belief Change Operations: A Short History of Nearly Everything
Yacin Hamami - Bringing the Interrogative Model of Inquiry to the Multi-Agent Case: A DEL-Style Approach
Chenwei Shi - Reliable Evidence and Evidence-Based Knowledge
Sonja Smets - Logics for Evidence-Based Belief Revision
Patrick Allo - Is logic special? An interactive account of the role of logic in reasoning
Jens Ulrik Hansen - Tableaux by Reduction Axioms for Dynamic Epistemic Logics
Tiago de Lima - Tableaux for Dynamic Logic of Propositional Assignments
Jonas De Vuyst - Dynamic Tableaux for Dynamic Modal Logics

The workshop will (provisionally) start at 9.00 and end at 18.10.

One day later, on January 17th, Jonas De Vuyst will publicly defend his 
PhD thesis on tableau systems for dynamic modal logics.

The workshop is free. Email jdevuyst@vub.ac.be to register.