24-27 Jul 2014
Konstanz, Germany
Call for Commentators and Chairs for: Reasoning Conference 2014 University of Konstanz / Germany http://www.reasoningconference.net/conference The conference aims at bringing together philosophers working in different areas related to the topic of reasoning, broadly understood: practical reasoning and the normativity of rationality, the psychology and phenomenology of reasoning, the formal structure of rationality and reasoning, the epistemology of reasoning and inference, etc. There will be 9-10 sessions, each comprising presentation of a paper, 15 minutes of comments and a discussion. Confirmed Participants: Paul Boghossian (NYU) Alex Byrne (MIT) Hannes Leitgeb (LMU Munich) Anna-Sara Malmgren (Stanford) Joshua Schechter (Brown) Miriam Schoenfield (Texas/Austin) Matthew Smith (Leeds) Nicholas Southwood (ANU) Wolfgang Spohn (Konstanz) Mike Titelbaum (Wisconsin/Madison) Ralph Wedgwood (USC) Anyone working on issues related to the topic of the conference is invited to volunteer as a commentator or a chair. We are able to provide commentators, but not chairs, with accommodation for the duration of the conference. (Unfortunately, we cannot cover travel expenses.) High-quality child care is also available if needed. If you would like to volunteer please send an e-mail with your areas of specialization and a very short description of your research to Magdalena Balcerak Jackson: mbalcerakjackson@me.com. The deadline is February 15th 2014. We will notify all volunteers about the results by March 1st. Further information about the conference: http://www.reasoningconference.net/conference