23-27 June 2014
College Park MD, U.S.A.
CALL FOR PAPERS NASSLLI 2014 STUDENT SESSION June 23-27, 2014 University of Maryland, College Park The North American Summer School for Logic, Language and Information (NASSLLI) welcomes paper submissions for presentation at its Student Session. Submissions may be in any of the fields related to the school (logic and language, logic and computation, or language and computation) and should represent original, unpublished work by individuals who will not yet have received their Ph.D. by the time of the conference. The Student Session will co-occur with NASSLLI and provides students an excellent opportunity to present their work to experts in their field as well as to a broader, well-informed interdisciplinary audience. All submissions will be reviewed by at least three specialists who will provide commentary on the paper regardless of its acceptance status. Submissions should be prepared for blind review (i.e., should not contain any information identifying the author) and should be uploaded as a .pdf file to the Student Session?s EasyChair site. Submissions should not exceed 10 pages and should be formatted standardly (11 or 12 point font, 1 inch margins). No more than one-single authored and one co-authored paper should be submitted by an individual. (All co-authors should also be students.) Authors whose submissions have been accepted and who intend to present will be required to register for NASSLLI. IMPORTANT DATES: Submissions due: February 28, 2014 (by midnight) Notifications: April 14, 2014 WEBSITES: Submissions: https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=stusnasslli14 NASSLLI 2014: http://www.nasslli2014.com/ CONTACT Quinn Harr at qharr@umd.edu