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PhML-2014: Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction 2014

21-25 Apr 2014
St. Petersburg, Russia

          The International Interdisciplinary Conference
  Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction 2014
           St. Petersburg, Russia, April 21?25, 2014

The conference PhML-2014 will be held on April 21?25, 2014 at the
Euler International Mathematical Institute (EIMI), which is a
research unit of the St. Petersburg Department of Steklov
Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (PDMI
RAS). The conference PhML-2014 is endorsed by the American
National Committee of the Division of Logic, Methodology and
Philosophy of Science (DLMPS) of the International Union of the
History and Philosophy of Science (IUHPS), the Japan Association
for Philosophy of Science, the Swedish National Committee for
Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science.

The conference PhML-2014 is a sequel in the series of conferences
intended to provide a forum for philosophers, mathematicians,
linguists, logicians, and computer scientists who share an
interest in cross-disciplinary research.

The scientific program of PhML-2014 will include plenary sessions,
thematic sessions to present contributed papers and Panel Discussion
"Understanding complexity in cross-disciplinary research". Papers
will be given in English.

     Toshiyasu Arai, Chiba University
     Edward Hirsch, PDMI RAS
     Wilfrid Hodges, Queen Mary University of London
     Makoto Kanazawa, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
     Alexander Leitsch, Vienna University of Technology
     Angus Macintyre, Queen Mary University of London
     Klaus Mainzer, University of Munich
     Per Martin-Lf, Stockholm University
     Ivan Mikirtumov, St. Petersburg State University
     Grigori Mints, University of Stanford ? chair
     Grigory Olkhovikov, Ural Federal University
     Vladimir Orevkov, PDMI RAS
     Rohit Parikh, The City University of New York
     Barbara Partee, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
     Dag Prawitz, Stockholm University
     Oleg Prosorov, PDMI RAS
     Michael Rathjen, University of Leeds
     Andrei Rodin, Institute of Philosophy RAS,
                   St. Petersburg State University
     Vladimir Rybakov, University of Liverpool
     Vladislav Shaposhnikov, Moscow State University
     Albert Visser, Utrecht University

     Vladimir Orevkov, PDMI RAS
     Oleg Prosorov, PDMI RAS ? chair
     Andrei Rodin, Institute of Philosophy RAS,
                   St. Petersburg State University
     Maxim Vsemirnov, PDMI RAS

At present, the following plenary speakers are confirmed:
     Dmitry Grigoryev, CNRS, Universit Lille 1
     Klaus Mainzer, University of Munich
     Yuri Manin, Max-Planck-Institut fr Mathematik, Bonn
     Grigori Mints, University of Stanford
     Aleksei Parshin, Steklov Institute of Mathematics RAS, Moscow
     Oleg Prosorov, PDMI RAS
     Andrei Rodin, Institute of Philosophy RAS,
                   St. Petersburg State University
     Gabriel Sandu, University of Helsinki
     Anatol Slissenko, LACL, Universit Paris-Est Crteil
     Nikolai Vavilov, St. Petersburg State University
     Anatoly Vershik, PDMI RAS

Each presentation of a plenary paper is allotted 55 min, which
includes 10 min for questions and discussion.

The conference will feature a panel discussion entitled
"Understanding complexity in cross-disciplinary research" allotted
up to 90 min. Discussion will be led by Klaus Mainzer (University
of Munich).

Apart from plenary sessions, there will also be three parallel
thematic sessions to present contributed papers:
    - Mathematical and logical methods in philosophy
      and in sciences of language;
    - Philosophical Insights into Logic and Mathematics;
    - Complexity in mathematics, philosophy, linguistics.
Each presentation of a contributed paper is allotted 25 min,
including 5 min for questions.

For presentation at thematic sessions, the conference PhML-2014
invites the submission of contributed papers on original and
unpublished research relating to the interplay between philosophy,
mathematics and linguistics. Papers from any tradition and from a
wide variety of perspectives are welcome, including but in no way
limited to the following topics:
    - New trends in the foundations of mathematics;
    - Complexity in mathematics, logic, linguistics;
    - Ontology of mathematics and the nature of mathematical truth;
    - The problem of abstract entities in mathematics, philosophy
      and linguistics;
    - Philosophical aspects of informatics, novel computational models
      and paradigms;
    - Philosophy of mathematics and philosophy of logic;
    - Mathematical investigation of natural language structures.

Papers should be prepared in LaTeX or MS Word using style files of
PhML-2014 format and be submitted electronically as pdf and source
files via e-mail: <PhML-2014@pdmi.ras.ru>.  For more details, see:

    - Submission deadline for contributed papers: March 1st, 2014
    - Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2014
    - Final date for camera-ready copy: March 31st, 2014
    - Conference starts: April 21st, 2014

The Proceedings of PhML-2014, including both invited and
contributed papers, will be published before the meeting as a volume
in the EIMI's local series and distributed to the participants.
It is planned that selected papers will be published at an
international publishing house as a special post-conference issue.

For further practical information, see: