Logic List Mailing Archive
PhD scholarships in philosophy, Bristol (U.K.)
The Department of Philosophy at the University of Bristol invites
applications for funded PhD research in all areas of philosophy through
the South, West and Wales Consortium Doctoral Training Programme for the
Arts and Humanities:
The department particularly encourages applications in ancient philosophy
and the history of philosophy, ethics and political philosophy, logic and
philosophy of mathematics, history and philosophy of science (especially
philosophy of biology, medicine, psychology and physics), philosophy of
language, and philosophy of mind.
We currently host large research projects in Darwinism and the theory of
rational choice, in epistemic utility theory, and in homotopy type theory.
The department has a very active research culture and there are many
regular seminars and events including those organised by the Centre for
Science and Philosophy (http://www.bris.ac.uk/philosophy/csp/).
For more information about the department and its staff see our webpages:
The department will be holding an informal open day on Wednesday 18th
December at Cotham House (address below) from 12.30pm. Those interested in
applying for a doctorate are welcome to attend if convenient and are
encouraged to make contact with their potential supervisor or supervisors,
and/or to contact James Ladyman (james.ladyman@bristol.ac.uk) to discuss
their application.
The consortium as a whole will have an Open Day on 22 January 2014 at the
Arnolfini Gallery in Bristol. The deadline for registration for this Open
Day is 13th January 2014. Full details of the South, West and Wales
Consortium Doctoral Training Programme can be found at the consortium
website: http://www.sww-ahdtp.ac.uk/
Professor James Ladyman
Head of Department
Department of Philosophy
University of Bristol
Cotham House
Bristol BS66JL
0117 3310934