25-28 March 2014
Santiago, Chile
CHILEAN SOCIETY FOR ANALYTIC PHILOSOPHY IV INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM CALL FOR PAPERS Santiago (Chile), March 25-28, 2014 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Universidad Alberto Hurtado The Chilean Society for Analytic Philosophy will hold an International Colloquium on March 25-28, 2014. The Colloquium will be hosted by two different universities, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile & Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Both institutions are located in Santiago, Chile. The Chilean Society for Analytic Philosophy invites all national/international academics and PhD students interested in taking part of this event to submit a short abstract of the paper they would like to read and discuss. The abstract must contain no more than 500 words (excluding bibliography) in any *.doc format and must be written in one of the official languages of the colloquium (English or Spanish). Please specify your name, academic degree and affiliation in a separate page. Take into account that presentations should not take more than 30 minutes. The abstract¹s submission deadline is November 30, 2013. The result of the blind selection process will be available no later than December 20, 2013. Abstract submissions and queries should be directed to Dr. Francisco Pereira using the following email address: filosofia-analitica@correo.org.uk <applewebdata://A33856AA-D790-46F4-9226-338D1AFF52D7/filosofia-analitica@cor reo.org.uk> The S.C.F.A (Chilean Society for Analytic Philosophy) not only attempts to promote research in those areas traditionally associated with Analytic Philosophy (Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Logic, Philosophy of Language, Ethics, Philosophy of Science, etc.), but also aims to generate dialog with other scientific disciplines that convey important philosophical consequences such as cognitive science, biology or psychology. More information will be posted soon in our website: www.filosofia-analitica.org Yours Faithfully, Francisco Pereira & José Tomás Alvarado Sociedad Chilena de Filosofia Analitica