Logic List Mailing Archive

Arguing on the Web 2.0

30 June - 1 July 2014
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

International workshop
Amsterdam, June 30 ? July 1, 2014
Chairs: Fabio Paglieri & Chris Reed
Local organizer: Ulle Endriss

Deadline for submission: February 28, 2014

Submission format: short paper (max. 4000 words, references included)

Submission procedure: send your contribution, properly anonymized for peer 
reviewing, to fabio.paglieri@istc.cnr.it

A selection of accepted papers will be published in a special issue of 
Philosophy & Technology, in revised and extended form.

Full details: http://www.sintelnet.eu/content/arguing-web-20

Note: the workshop will take place right before the 8th ISSA conference 
(http://cf.hum.uva.nl/issa/ ), with no overlapping between the two events. 
Attendance to both is highly recommended! :-)

   a.. Thomas Gordon, Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communications Systems, Berlin, DE
   b.. Mark Klein, MIT Center for Collective Intelligence, Boston, USA
   c.. Marcin Lewinski,  Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PT
   d.. Hugo Mercier, Institut des Sciences Cognitives, Lyon, FR
   e.. Miriam Metzger & Andrew Flanagin, Department of Communication, UC Santa Barbara, USA
   f.. Fabio Paglieri, Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione (ISTC-CNR), Roma, IT
   g.. Iyad Rahwan, Computing & Information Science, Masdar Institute, Abu Dhabi, AE
   h.. Chris Reed, Argumentation Research Group, University of Dundee, UK
   i.. Paolo Torroni, Dipartimento di Informatica: Scienza e Ingegneria, Università di Bologna, IT
   j.. Adam Wyner, Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool, UK


Argument and debate form cornerstones of civilized society and of 
intellectual life. As online interaction usurps many traditional forms of 
interaction and communication, we would hope to see these processes alive 
and well on the web. But we do not. In spite of the ever-growing volume of 
online interaction, its current mechanisms hamper and discourage serious 
debate; they facilitate poor quality argument; and they allow fuzzy 
thinking to go unchecked. Meanwhile, these same online resources are 
increasingly being trusted and adopted with little critical reflection. 
The problem needs to be addressed from two different but converging 

   a.. We need better understanding and widespread awareness in the use of 
current and future ICT, to enable people to profit from new opportunities 
for argumentative interaction, instead of being mislead and thwarted by 
lack of familiarity with the emerging socio-technical systems. Several 
research areas are critical to this purpose, but their contributions need 
to be integrated in a concerted effort: among others, philosophy of 
information, critical thinking, digital literacy, e-inclusion, persuasive 
technologies, CMC.

   b.. We need new tools, new systems and new standards engineered into the 
heart of the internet to encourage debate, to facilitate good argument, 
and to promote a new online critical literacy. This is the vision of the 
Argument Web, a web platform that brings together different domains and 
interaction styles (e.g. argument analysis, real-time debate, blogging) by 
combining linked argument data with software tools that make online debate 
intuitive for various audiences, including mediators, students, academics, 
broadcasters and bloggers.

In this workshop, we aim to bring together philosophers, computer 
scientists, argumentation scholars, and experts in persuasive 
communication to discuss the nature and dynamics of argumentation on the 
Internet, how new technologies change the argumentative practices of 
users, what skills and expertise become critical in such a new 
info-ecology, how ICT can be used to foster rather than hamper critical 
reflection and debate, and what implications this should have for 
education, societal change and policy making.

For further information and queries, please contact 

Goal-Oriented Agents Lab (GOAL)
Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione (ISTC)
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
Home: http://www.istc.cnr.it/people/fabio-paglieri
E-mail: fabio.paglieri@istc.cnr.it