20-23 Jun 2014
Cagliari, Italy
*RaAM 10 conference: Metaphor in Communication, Science and Education* *Cagliari, June 20-23, 2014* **Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy School of Communication Science University of Cagliari We are pleased to announce the 10th conference of the Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM), which will be held in Cagliari, Island of Sardinia, Italy, from 20 to 23 June 2014. The Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor<http://www.raam.org.uk/Home.html>welcomes researchers from various theoretical approaches studying metaphor and metonymy in different forms of expression and in different realms of use in society (e.g., educational, political, commercial, artistic). Contributors to the 2014 conference may approach metaphor and metonymy from a variety of perspectives (including philosophical, cognitive, discursive, cultural, pedagogical, social, etc.) and by applying a variety of methods (including discourse analytical methods, corpus-based methods, experimental methods, etc.) The theme for 2014 is ?Metaphor in Communication, Science and Education?, and the keynote speakers in these three general areas are: ** *Communication*: Gerard Steen (VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands) *Science*: Silvano Tagliagambe (University of Cagliari, Italy) *Education*: Graham Low (University of York, UK) The conference will also include *two workshops* specifically dedicated to metaphor in science: ?Metaphor in Human Sciences? and ?Metaphor in Natural Sciences?. *Call for papers* * *Abstracts of 20-minute papers (no more than 400 words, excluding references) and poster presentations are invited on any topic in the broad areas indicated: communication, science and education. The main language of the conference will be English, but there will also be one track of papers in Italian. Abstracts should be prepared for blind refereeing and submitted electronically via the online submission system EasyChair, which can be accessed at the following address: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=raam10 Please follow the instructions on how to create a new user account. Once you are registered, you will be able to log on to EasyChair, create your abstract, modify it as necessary, and submit it. *Deadline for abstracts submissions: December 31, 2013* *Notification of acceptance/rejection: March 1, 2014* Prizes will be awarded for the best paper by a PhD student. PhD students can indicate their interest in being considered for this prize via the EasyChair submission site. A number of tutorials, geared toward PhD students, will be offered on June 21, 2014. Furthermore, a limited number of bursaries will be available for PhD students from RaAM and the local organising committee. Details will be available in the second call for abstracts and the conference web site: http://convegni.unica.it/raam2014/ For further information, please email raamconf2014@gmail.com . *The local organizing committee: *Francesca Ervas, Elisabetta Gola and Pietro Storari (chairs); Valentina Favrin, Antonio Ledda, Maria Grazia Rossi, Giuseppe Sergioli, Filippo Spanu *Not yet a member of the RaAM International Association and wish to join? See the link for 'Joining' on the web page ** http://www.raam.org.uk/Home.html* <http://www.raam.org.uk/Home.html>**