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AAMAS 2014: Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems

5-9 May 2014
Paris, France

13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
(AAMAS 2014)

Marriott Rive Gauche
Paris, France
May 5-9, 2014

Electronic Abstract Submission: October 8, 2013 (11:59 PM HST)
Full Paper and Extended Abstract Submission: October 11, 2013 (11:59 PM HST)
Rebuttal Phase: November 29 - December 2, 2013 (11:59 PM HST)
Author Notification: December 20, 2013

AAMAS-14 encourages the submission of theoretical, experimental,
methodological, and applications papers. Theory papers should make clear
the significance and relevance of their results to the AAMAS community.
Similarly, applied papers should make clear both their scientific and
technical contributions, and are expected to demonstrate a thorough
evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses in practice. It is strongly
encouraged that papers focusing on specific agent capabilities do so in the
context of autonomous agent architectures or multiagent systems. A thorough
evaluation, conducted from a theoretical or applied basis, is considered an
essential component of any submission. Authors are also requested to pay
particular attention to discuss how their work relates to the state of the
art in autonomous agents and multiagent systems research as evidenced in,
for example, previous AAMAS and related conferences. All submissions will
be rigorously peer reviewed and evaluated on the basis of the quality of
their technical contribution, originality, soundness, significance,
presentation, understanding of the state of the art, and overall quality.

AAMAS 2014, the thirteenth conference in the AAMAS series, seeks
high-quality submissions of full papers, limited to 8 pages in length.
  Reviews will be double blind; authors must avoid including anything that
can be used to identify them. Please note that submitting an abstract is
required to submit a full paper. However, the abstracts will not be
reviewed and full (8 page) papers must be submitted for the review process
to begin. All work must be original, i.e., it must not have appeared in a
conference proceedings, book, or journal and may not be under review at
another archival conference. In addition to submissions in the main track,
AAMAS 2014 will be soliciting papers in four special tracks. The review
process for the special tracks will be similar to the main track, but with
program committee members specially selected for that track. All accepted
papers for the special tracks will be included in the proceedings.

AAMAS 2014 will feature the following four special tracks:
* Robotics (Chairs: Noa Agmon, Luiz Chaimowicz)
* Virtual Agents (Chairs: Elisabeth Andre', Sarit Kraus)
* Innovative Applications (Chairs: Tom Holvoet, Rajiv Maheswaran)
* Challenges and Visions (Chair: Munindar P Singh)

The full call for papers, along with descriptions of the special tracks and
all topics of interest, can be found at: