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CfP special issue of "Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del linguaggio" on Linguistic Relativity, Deadline: 20 Sep 2013

*RIFL ? Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del linguaggio: www.rifl.unical.it

*Vol. 7, N.3, December 2013 - LINGUISTIC RELATIVITY *

*Edited by: Elisabetta Lalumera*

   According to linguistic relativity, or the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, 
linguistic differences determine cognitive differences. As the linguist 
B.L. Whorf wrote, ?we dissect nature along lines laid down by our native 
language? (Whorf 1956/1970: 212). This thesis was neglected by the 
scientific community in the early decades of cognitive science, partly 
because of its methodologically flawed experimental evidence, and partly 
because of the success of universalist and nativist research programmes 
that established a level of prelinguistic cognitive basis of most key 
human cognitive faculties.

Recently, however, the pendulum seems to be swinging back, as ?Whorfian 
effects?, or effects of language differences on cognition, are found in 
many domains (representation of time, space, objects, numbers, emotions). 
But whereas there is large consensus on Whorfian effects, there is little 
on how to interpret them.

This issue of RIFL is dedicated to new work on the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. 
We invite submissions from philosophers, psychologists, and linguists on 
the following and related issues:

- effects of language on thought in particular domains

- philosophical implications of the Whorfian effects

- issues on the relation between lexical and conceptual representations

- historical and theoretical antecedents of the relativist-universalist 

Contributions (max 7000 words) should be original and not previously 
published or submitted elsewhere. The journal is double-refereed. Please 
prepare your copy for blind review. The author's name, the institutional 
affiliation and the title?s paper must be placed in a separate file. 
Languages: English, Italian, and French.

Papers must be sent as Microsoft Word file *(.doc or .rtf)* to: * 

Guest editor: Elisabetta Lalumera, Università di Milano-Bicocca.

  *Instructions for authors:*

Max length:
7000 words for articles (including the references) and reviews;
3500 words for interviews;
1750 words for specific paper review.

Submission deadline: September 20, 2013
Notification of acceptance: October 16, 2013

Issue publication: December 2013