Logic List Mailing Archive
CombLog'04 (Lisbon, Portugal, July 2004)
Workshop on Combination of Logics: Theory and Applications
CLC, Department of Mathematics, IST, Lisbon, Portugal
July 28-30, 2004
The workshop organized within the scope of the FibLog project of CLC aims
to provide a forum for interaction and exchange of ideas among a limited
number of participants in the general area of analysis and synthesis of
logics and related topics:
* Different forms of composing and decomposing logics, such as
fibring, fusion, splicing, splitting, synchronization and
* Transference results between the whole and the component logics,
such as preservation of completeness, interpolation properties and
* Application domains, such as security, software specification and
verification, knowledge representation and formal ethics.
Keynote speakers and other invited participants
* Marcelo Finger, IME, Sao Paulo University.
* Dov Gabbay, King's College, London.
* Joseph Goguen, University of California, San Diego.
* Joseph Halpern, Cornell University.
* Dick de Jongh, University of Amsterdam.
* Don Pigozzi, Iowa State University.
* Gabriel Sandu, University of Helsinki.
* Andrzej Tarlecki, Warsaw University.
* Luca Vigano, ETH Zentrum, Zuerich.
* Frank Wolter, University of Liverpool.
* Alberto Zanardo,University of Padova.