Logic List Mailing Archive
Postdoctoral position in model theory, Konstanz (Germany)
Assistant (Post Doc) position, Fachbereich Mathematik und Statistik,
University of Konstanz, Germany (Salma Kuhlmann's Chair) will be free as
of August 1st 2013. Hiring can be as of August 1st or September 1st 2013.
The first contract will be limited to one year and renewable for up to a
total of 6 years. The salary is according to pay grade 13 TV-L. The
research profile is Algebra and Model Theory, more precisely, Real
Algebraic and O-minimal Geometry, Model Theory of Valued Fields, Ordered
Algebraic Structures. The teaching load is 4 hours per semester week.
There are approximately 25 semester weeks in one academic year. I would
like to have applications (CV, research plan, teaching experience, 2
letters of recommendation) directly sent to my email address:
salma.kuhlmann@uni-konstanz.de with cc to my secretary Frau Otterbeck
otterbeck@uni-konstanz.de Prof. Dr. Salma Kuhlmann Schwerpunkt Reelle
Geometrie und Algebra Fachbereich Mathematik und Statistik Universität
Konstanz. Telefon +49 (0) 75 31.88-27 87 Sekretariat: Ute Otterbeck
Telefon +49 (0) 75 31.88-26 37 Fax +49 (0) 75 31.88-27 70