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CfPart: Andrzej Mostowski Centenary

11-13 Oct 2013
Warsaw, Poland

Andrzej Mostowski Centenary
Call for participation
October 11-13, 2013
Warsaw, Poland

Professor Andrzej Mostowski (1913-1975) was one of the leading researchers 
of Logic and Foundations of Mathematics in the period from WWII to his 
untimely death in 1975. A student of both Gödel and Tarski, he became 
world-wide famous for his contributions to all major areas of the 
Foundations, including Model Theory, Recursion Theory, Set Theory, and 
others. He is considered one of the main pioneers and founders of such new 
research directions, actively studied until now, as the generalized 
quantifiers leading to the abstract model theory, and the descriptive 
hierarchies of sets. He created a major center of foundational research in 
Warsaw, Poland, bringing together researchers from all over the world.

In celebration of the centenary of his birth, the Mostowski Centenary 
Conference will focus on his contributions to logic and the foundations of 
mathematics, as well as on the continuing influence of his work. The 
objective of this meeting is to present and discuss up-to-date research 
advances in the field, with an emphasis on today's perspectives and 

The Mostowski Centenary will be held at the 
<http://www.mimuw.edu.pl>Department of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer 
Science of the <http://www.uw.edu.pl>University of Warsaw , Poland, on 
October 11-13, 2013 as a joint meeting of the European Mathematical 
Society and the Polish Mathematical Society.

The program will consist of eight plenary lectures related to Mostowski's 
heritage in modern Foundations of Mathematics by: M.Boja"czyk, 
H.Friedman, T.Jech, M.Magidor, Y.Moschovakis, J.V??n?nen, J.Wole"ski, 
and W.H.Woodin. Additional invited presentations on current perspectives 
in the areas of Mostowski's mathematical activities will be given by: 
M.D?amonja, L.Ko,odziejczyk, K.Krupi"ski, A.Macintyre, L.Newelski, 
A.Pillay, C.Rosendal (to be confirmed), Z.Sela, and S.Solecki.

The Conference is an open event. Everybody interested in participating is 
welcome. The registration is now open, 
<http://mostowski100.mimuw.edu.pl/doku.php?id=registration>please follow 
the link to the registration page . However, due to the space limitations, 
we may not be able to accept registration after September 1. Late 
registration will be accepted only if resources allow.

Thanks to our sponsors, there will be no workshop registration fee. 
Participants are responsible for their own accommodation and travel 
expenses. The conference has some (limited) funds directed for support of 
some categories of participants. These include:
    * Student participants from Eastern Europe (DLMPS/IUHPS)
    * Student participants from Europe (EMS)
    * Student and faculty participants from United States Some additional 
funds for students from Poland are also available. Participants willing to 
present a poster should notify us by September 1 
(<http://mostowski100.mimuw.edu.pl/doku.php?id=registration> via the 
registration page ).

We will host an informal rump session intended for short and engaging 
presentations on recent unpublished results, work in progress, breaking 
news, progress reports, memories, or other short and entertaining topics 
of interest to the Conference attendees. Participants willing to take 
active part in the rump session should notify us and ask for a talk time 
slot by September 1 (via the registration page; with title and amount of 
time not exceeding 10 minutes). Some submissions may have to be rejected 
because of time constraints.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference.

On behalf of the organizers,
Damian Niwi"ski and Marian Srebrny


The conference e-mail address is: