Logic List Mailing Archive

300 years of Wolff's German Logic

21-22 Nov 2013
Leuven, Belgium

Call for papers:

300 years of Christian Wolff's German Logic: its sources, significance and

Thursday, November 21 ? Friday, November 22, 2013

Catholic University of Leuven

Confirmed speakers:

Stefanie Buchenau (Paris Saint Denis, France)
Matteo Favaretti (Ca?Foscari Venezia, Italy)
Christian Leduc (Université de Montréal, Canada)
Brandon Look (Kentucky, USA)
Clemens Schwaiger (Benediktbeuern, Germany)
Robert Theis (Université du Luxembourg, Luxemburg)

The Institute of Philosophy of KU Leuven invites submissions for a 
conference to mark the 300th anniversary of the first publication of 
Wolff?s so called ?German Logic? in 1713. Wolff?s first philosophy book 
was one of the most popular and most discussed books in eighteenth century 
German philosophy and in European philosophy at large. The conference aims 
at investigating the historical and philosophical significance of the work 
from the perspectives (1) of its sources (especially through the 
references to Leibniz, Jungius and Descartes), (2) of its role and meaning 
within the Wolffian corpus (especially as regards the ?logic of concepts?, 
the relation of logics to other disciplines, the analysis of the ?powers 
of the understanding? or the relation of the ?German Logic? to its various 
translations), and (3) of its reception (especially by Hoffmann, 
Baumgarten and Kant, but also by Lambert, Eberhard, Gottsched, Meier and 

The text of Wolff?s Vernünfftige Gedancken von den Kräfften des 
menschlichen Verstandes und ihrem richtigen Gebrauche in Erkäntniß der 
Wahrheit is accessible online here: 

Presentation time will be 60 minutes (including discussion). The working 
languages of the conference are English and German, but authors will have 
to provide an English version of their paper for the publication of the 

Abstracts (between 500 and 700 words), prepared for blind review, should 
be submitted in Microsoft Word or PDF format to wolff2013@kuleuven.be 
before July 14, 2013. The author?s name, paper title, institutional 
position and affiliation, as well as contact information should be 
included in the body of the e-mail. Notification of acceptance will be 
given by the end of July 2013.

Organising committee: Arnaud Pelletier, Karin de Boer


Contact: wolff2013@kuleuven.be or Arnaud.Pelletier@hiw.kuleuven.be