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Postdoctoral or PhD student position on "Semantic technology for context awareness", Dresden (Germany), Deadline: 18 April 2013
Technische Universitt Dresden - Dresden concept
TU Dresden is among the top universities in Germany and Europe and one of
11 German universities that were identified as an excellence university.
The Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 912 "HAEC - Highly Adaptive
Energy-Efficient Computing" offers a position as a
Postdoc / PhD student (E 13 TV-L)
for the research project "Semantic Technology for Context Awareness" (B02)
to start on July 1, 2013. This full-time position is available for 24
months and may be extendable for further 48 months. The period of
employment is governed by the Fixed Term Research Contracts Act
(Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz-WissZeitVG). The successful candidate
will be associated with the Chair of Automata Theory (headed by Prof.
Baader), with her or his work focusing on logic-based knowledge
representation, description-, modal- or temporal-logics, ontological
reasoning, query languages for ontology-based data access or related
areas. Required is an university degree (diploma, MSc or PhD) in computer
science, mathematics or a related field.
For further information please see:
The period of employment is governed by the Fixed Term Research Contracts
Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz - WissZeitVG). PhD students will find
excellence resources and subjects for innovative PhD-theses. Postdocs have
the possibility to manage large and renowned research projects. Please
send your application material until April 18, 2013 per email in one pdf
format to Frank.Ellinger@tu-dresden.de.
E-Mail: Frank.Ellinger@tu-dresden.de