Logic List Mailing Archive
PhD student position in "Rational Extensions of Logical Reasoning", Wernigerode (Germany), Deadline: 29 Apr 2013
The Hochschule Harz (Harz University of Applied Sciences) conducts the
project "RatioLog - Rational Extensions of Logical Reasoning", together
with the Universität Koblenz-Landau, funded by the German Research
Foundation (DFG). The project investigates rational agents answering
questions in natural language in a question-answering system exploiting
Wikipedia knowledge, by applying non-monotonic reasoning such as abduction
or defeasible reasoning.
We are looking to recruit a dedicated project staff. The position is
limited to 2 years, part-time (20 hrs / week). The salary will be
according to qualification up to salary scale 13 TV-L (cf.
http://oeffentlicher-dienst.info/tv-l/ost/). The successful candidate will
pursue a PhD thesis in collaboration with the partner university.
The candidate should have a degree, preferably in computer science. Very
good knowledge in one or more of the following areas is desirable:
* artificial intelligence
* logics in computer science
* declarative programming languages
* theoretical computer science
The Harz University of Applied Sciences wishes to raise the proportion of
female academic staff and would therefore like to expressly encourage
qualified women to apply for the position. Preference is given to severely
disabled candidates, if they have the same level of qualification.
Please send your application with the usual documents - preferably by
e-mail - to <Bewerbung-RatioLog@hs-harz.de> by 29 April 2013 or by mail
Rektor der Hochschule Harz
Prof. Dr. Armin Willingmann
Friedrichstrasse 57-59
38855 Wernigerode
For more information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Frieder Stolzenburg
Project Manager
Tel: +49 3943 659-333
Email: <fstolzenburg@hs-harz.de>
Prof. Dr. Frieder Stolzenburg
Hochschule Harz (Harz University of Applied Sciences)
FB Automatisierung und Informatik (Automation & Computer Sciences Dep.)
Friedrichstr. 57-59
D-38855 Wernigerode (Germany)
Raum (Office): 2.008
Tel: +49 3943 659-333
Fax: +49 3943 659-399
Skype: fstolzenburg
E-Mail: fstolzenburg@hs-harz.de
WWW: http://fstolzenburg.hs-harz.de/