3-4 May 2013
Coimbra, Portugal
Dear Colleagues, The research group "Teaching logic & argumentation" of the research unit "Language, interpretation and philosophy", which belongs to the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, organizes an International Colloquium on THE ROLE OF ANALOGY IN ARGUMENTATIVE DISCOURSE, to be held at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra (Portugal) in May 3-4, 2013. Profs. Douglas N. Walton (Windsor, Canada), Frans H. van Eemeren with Bart Garssen (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), and Lilian Bermejo Luque (Granada, Spain) are keynote speakers of this colloquium. *The abstracts of the papers of the keynote (and other) speakers have been published*. For further information, please consult: http://www.uc.pt/fluc/dfci/analogy Papers are welcome in all areas and fields regarding the role of analogy in argumentative discourse: science, in general; philosophy; linguistics; legal argumentation; political discourse; etc. By *March 25, 2013*, please send your proposal to tla.lif.fct@gmail.com with the following information: ?title and abstract of your paper, in English (max. 300 words); ?your personal and academic identification. You will be notified of our decision by *March 28, 2013*. The coordinator of the organizing committee, henrique jales ribeiro (Associate Professor)