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PhD student position in computer science (social network analysis), Constance (Germany), Deadline: 31 Jan 2013

The University of Konstanz, with its Institutional Strategy to promote 
Top-Level Research, has been receiving continuous funding since 2007 
within the framework of the Excellence Initiative by the German Federal 
and State Governments.

The Department of Computer and Information Science at the University of 
Konstanz offers a position for a
PhD Student /Research Assistant in
Computer Science
(Salary Scale 13 TV-L /100 %)

in the Social Network Analysis Group led by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Steffen Rendle.

The position is available immediately, for a duration of up to 3 years 
with the possibility for an extension. In principle, this position could 
be divided into two half-time positions.

The successful candidate will conduct research in the fields of machine 
learning and data mining. Candidates must hold a Diploma /Master degree in 
computer science, statistics or a related area, and must have a very good 
knowledge in at least one of the fields

     Machine learning,
     Data mining,
     Computational statistics.

The University of Konstanz is an equal opportunity employer that tries to 
increase the number of women in research and teaching.

The University of Konstanz has been certified as a family-friendly 
institution by the Hertie Foundation. The University is committed to 
further the compatibility of work and family life.

The University of Konstanz offers a "Dual Career Couples Program". 
Information can be obtained from: www.uni-konstanz.de/dcc.

The University of Konstanz encourages disabled persons to apply. They will 
be given preference if appropriately qualified (contact +49 (0) 7531/ 
88-48 95).

Please send your application with the usual documents including reference 
number 2012/256 as a single PDF file latest by January 31st, 2013, to 
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Steffen Rendle by e-mail: steffen.rendle@uni-konstanz.de. 
Applications received by the above date will receive full consideration, 
however, the search will remain open until the position is filled.

More information is available on our website: