Logic List Mailing Archive

The Legacy of Reuben Goodstein

14 Dec 2012
Leicester, U.K.


                      THE LEGACY OF REUBEN GOODSTEIN

               His Centennial and the Wittgenstein Connection
             Friday 14th December 2012, University of Leicester

2012 is the Centenary of the birth of Reuben Louis Goodstein, the first
holder of a UK university chair in Mathematical Logic.

In honour of Goodstein and his legacy, we are organizing a day recognizing
his impact on the development of Mathematical Logic, worldwide, in the UK
and at Leicester.

The list of distinguished speakers includes:

Harvey Rose (Bristol), Jan von Plato (Helsinki), Stanley Wainer (Leeds),
Mathieu Marion/Mitsuhiro Okada (Montreal/Keio, Japan), Mike Price
(Leicester), Mary Walmsley (Leicester).

Topics will include:

* Goodstein's theorem in the light of the Bernays-Goodstein correspondence
* Goodstein sequences and independence of Peano arithmetic
* Goodstein and Wittgenstein
* Goodstein and the Mathematical Association
* We are also hoping to have a panel discussion entitled 'Goodstein
* 'Remembered', where any delegate can share memories and thoughts of

We anticipate there will be a number of ex-colleagues and students of
Goodstein, and members of the Goodstein family in attendance, and a small
evening dinner for speakers and organisers, and guests.

The meeting is supported by the London Mathematical Society, and there are
a number of bursaries available to UK research students to enable them to
attend the meeting. Registration is free.

To register, and for details of the programme, please go to the meeting

Download a copy of the conference poster:

Organisers: S. Barry Cooper (Leeds), Jeremy Levesley (Leicester), Rick 
Thomas (Leicester), Paul Williams (LSE)