3-5 Apr 2013
Munich, Germany
*Call for Papers* *The Analysis of Theoretical Terms* April 3rd ? 5th, 2013 Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Germany Homepage: ?https://sites.google.com/site/theoreticalterms/<https://sites.google.com/site/theoreticalterms/> This conference is dedicated to the philosophical analysis of theoretical terms. Topics include the logic and semantics of our scientific theories, the epistemology and metaphysics of theoretical terms, and the philosophical consequences of these analyses for the philosophy of science and mathematics. *Submissions* We invite submissions for a 30-minute presentation. Submissions should be of an extended abstract (maximum of 1000 words), prepared for anonymous review. Authors should send their abstracts (pdf or doc), together with their name, institutional affiliation and current position to Thomas.Meier@lrz.uni-muenchen.de. Deadline for submissions is *1st December 2012*. Selected presentations will be notified by *15th January 2013* *Invited Speakers* Holger Andreas (Munich); Demetra Christopoulou (Patras); William Demopoulos (Western Ontario); Jeffrey Ketland (Oxford); Hannes Leitgeb (Munich); Mary Leng (York); Sebastian Lutz (Utrecht); Michela Massimi (Edinburgh); Ulises Moulines (Munich); Gerhard Schurz (Düsseldorf); Charlotte Werndl (LSE); John Worrall (LSE); *Organizing Committee *Paul Dicken, Norbert Gratzl and Thomas Meier (MCMP Munich)