Logic List Mailing Archive

"Operationalizing Epistemic Concepts"

11-12 Sep 2012
Aachen, Germany

Operationalizing Epistemic Concepts
Aachen, 11-12 September 2012


Main Speakers:
Vincenzo Crupi (LMU Mun)
Igor Douven (RU Groningen)
David Lagnado (University College London)
Bjoeder (MPI Berlin)

Special Session on Data Analysis:
Henrik Singmann (University of Freiburg)

This workshop is devoted to the topic of operationalizing epistemic concepts, 
such as explanation, confirmation and causation, and to bringing together 
philosophers and experimental psychologists who are interested in human 
rationality and human reasoning. We investigate the methodology of 
operationalizing epistemic concepts both from a theoretical and an empirical 
point of view. How should we work out predictions that are precise enough to be 
put to empirical test? Which experimental paradigms should be adopted in 
research on human reasoning? How can we connect philosophical theorizing about 
epistemic concepts to the long-lasting empirical tradition in psychology?
Philosophers and psychologists with an interest in participating should contact 
the organizers at j.sprenger@uvt.nl before August 20, 2012, and motivate their 
reasons for participation (there is only limited space). There are also a few 
slots left for presentation. Those would like to present an ongoing project 
should submit a 200-words abstract. A more detailed description will be asked 
upon acceptance and be circulated among the participants. The workshop focuses 
on the discussion of ongoing projects and is not suitable for presenting past 
work. See the webpage for more information.

The workshop is co-sponsered by the DFG Priority Program "New Frameworks of 
Rationality" (SPP 1516) and the Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of 
Science (TiLPS).
Organizers: Vincenzo Crupi, LMU Mun and UniversitaTorino Henrik Singmann, 
University of Freiburg Jan Sprenger, Tilburg University